Odd connection issue

From: ANT_THOMAS14 Feb 2017 22:09
To: Lucy (X3N0PH0N) 20 of 24
How are you mounting stuff? Via fstab?
I remember years ago having various issues with network shares dropping out mounted using fstab and having to do "mount -a" far too often. Then I moved to autofs and it fixed all issues. If you're already using it then no idea, if you're not it might be worth playing with.

Or stick with sshfs since it works!
From: Lucy (X3N0PH0N)14 Feb 2017 23:27
To: ANT_THOMAS 21 of 24
Yeah, fstab but with systemd handling the mounts which works way better than ... however that worked before:
# SSHFS from varangian
drew@ /mnt/big fuse.sshfs noauto,x-systemd.automount,_netdev,user,idmap=user,follow_symlinks,identityfile=/home/drew/.ssh/id_rsa,allow_other,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0


EDITED: 14 Feb 2017 23:28 by X3N0PH0N
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)15 Feb 2017 02:25
To: Lucy (X3N0PH0N) 22 of 24
NFS is way quicker, and setup isn't too hard between unixy os (linux, mac/bsd). A bit less automagic than SAMBA.
From: Lucy (X3N0PH0N)15 Feb 2017 04:46
Setup was fine, it just needed to be restarted every few days which was a pain. Couldn't be arsed to dig into it since it was overkill for what I needed anyway.
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