Windows 10 upgrade fail

From: BarHenly (BARHEN)26 Jan 2017 15:04
To: ALL4 of 6
heard about this windows 10 failed update in other platform also and I also heard that Windows makers are working on it. Its a software issue nothing to do with hardware. 
APPROVED: 27 Jan 2017 07:26 by MATT
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 2 Nov 2020 21:20
To: ALL5 of 6
Trying it now on a seriously underspecced virtualbox clone of Windows 7. The container is only 30G, so I had to dump a whole lotta stuff (which is ok because I should have done it anyway). Also since it's a clone, I had to do the GWA check and start over (including the initial download  >-| ). It's unsurprisingly super slow with only 2G of assigned memory, but is at least proceeding
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 3 Nov 2020 13:55
To: ALL6 of 6
And it took.  :-O~~~