Hands up if you're stupid...

From: JonCooper14 Aug 2015 09:57
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 105 of 110
I'm not sure you'd drink from such a dirty mug
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)15 Aug 2015 15:05
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 106 of 110
The size a mug should be, perhaps even a few cl short.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)15 Aug 2015 15:08
To: graphitone 107 of 110
Oh, how well you know me, James. How oh so well!
From: graphitone17 Aug 2015 08:13
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 108 of 110
From: fixrman22 Aug 2015 15:10
To: graphitone 109 of 110
Wait a minute, dammit! Tea things belong in my Great Tea Experiment thread! Help, I'm being oppressed! Tea **There! So enamoured, I was, that I remembered how to hand code XHTML, that I put in the wrong linky. No extra charge for excessive commas.
EDITED: 22 Aug 2015 15:13 by FIXRMAN
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)24 Aug 2015 06:47
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 110 of 110
NT4 was great. No, seriously, no blue text or anything. Then they gradually added a plethora of features and STUFF which, while useful and welcome in various circumstances, just made Windows Server more and more of a thickly woven jungle.

And therein lies my problem with Windows, especially the Server versions - it's become very feature rich, increasingly easy to use and maintain, however it just doesn't seem to do modular or (if you're particularly unlucky) will break in such an obscure way that you'll end up wanting to perform an exorcism.

I also get really annoyed at how things install - they spread tentacles into EVERYTHING which makes it pretty much impossible to figure stuff out. I get that on the other hand they're trying to make it piss easy to maintain, but it's not working.

Edit: having said all that, I've had relatively very few issues with 8.1, I actually like it, but I won't be touching 10 for a while. I'm quite keen on the whole Continuum idea though.
EDITED: 24 Aug 2015 06:51 by NUKKLEAR