The extension Telly was automatically removed

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)20 Nov 2013 00:44
To: ALL1 of 8

Appeared in Chrome, just now.

I have no idea what Telly is, and I'm not sure if I'm more concerned about potentially having an unknown/malware extension, or about Google arbitrarily deleting files without me asking it to. :/

Searching brings up two similar but different things:!topic/chrome/sHrHCsOdDaU

Neither of them is exactly what I got though.

In %appdata%/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/Preferences there is the following reference to Telly:

         "epbmnbdplhcomkedpjfceakddnbgfjmf": {
            "ack_blacklist": true,
            "active_permissions": {
               "api": [ "tabs" ],
               "explicit_host": [ "*" ],
               "scriptable_host": [ "*", "*" ]
            "blacklist": true,
            "from_bookmark": false,
            "from_webstore": true,
            "granted_permissions": {
               "api": [ "tabs" ],
               "explicit_host": [ "*" ],
               "scriptable_host": [ "*", "*" ]
            "install_time": "12987627286281111",
            "lastpingday": "12989314800829264",
            "location": 1,
            "manifest": {
               "background_page": "html/background.html",
               "browser_action": {
                  "default_icon": "img/icon-19.png",
                  "default_tile": "__MSG_app_name__"
               "content_scripts": [ {
                  "css": [ "style/yt.css" ],
                  "js": [ "js/lib/jquery.js", "js/contentscripts/core.js", "js/contentscripts/yt.js" ],
                  "matches": [ "*", "*" ]
               } ],
               "current_locale": "en_GB",
               "default_locale": "en",
               "description": "Telly is a fun and simple way to collect and share all the cool videos you find across the web.",
               "icons": {
                  "128": "img/icon-128.png",
                  "19": "img/icon-19.png",
                  "48": "img/icon-48.png"
               "key": "MIGfMA0GC4gQIDAQAB",
               "name": "Telly",
               "permissions": [ "tabs", "" ],
               "update_url": "",
               "version": "1.203"
            "path": "epbmnbdplhcomkedpjfceakddnbgfjmf\\1.203_0",
            "state": 0

The install_time value claims to be 26 Feb 2011 and the last ping day is two days later - if it was actually malware I'd expect lastpingday to be newer.

I've definitely never installed anything called Telly myself, and especially not something that looks like it does on this webpage.

It's possible I once installed some old advert blocker for Youtube, but I've got Adblock Plus and Youtube Options covering that so not sure I'd have a reason to.

Given how little information there is searching, I'm not really expecting anyone to have any idea about this, but maybe someone will, so I'll post anyway...

From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)21 Nov 2013 07:50
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 2 of 8
Fucking feds.  Just leaving their TV's where ever they'd like.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)22 Nov 2013 01:21
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 3 of 8
It's part of Google being fuckwits and claiming further ownership over our computers.

They're using malware as an excuse to block all extensions not installed via the Google Web Store (from January), and to remove existing extensions people have installed, just so they can make even more money by forcing their shitty adverts on people.

From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)22 Nov 2013 16:08
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 4 of 8
Oh Oh wait, did you just make a connection without even knowing?

Does Feds=Google???????
From: graphitone23 Nov 2013 21:10
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 5 of 8
You should have this as your theme tune, playing everywhere you go.

EDITED: 23 Nov 2013 21:26 by GRAPHITONE
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)23 Nov 2013 23:07
To: graphitone 6 of 8
I like it!  When I have my front facing speakers and mp3 codec installed I'm going to blast that!
From: graphitone24 Nov 2013 10:20
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 7 of 8
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)24 Nov 2013 13:10
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 8 of 8
I don't care, I got Far Cry for five bucks last night. I've been itching to try it since 2004!