Nested Hypervisors

From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)25 Oct 2013 21:11
To: ALL1 of 3
Can someone explain the benefit of nesting hypervisors?  I see tons of posts about it, but no one every explains why they do it.  I could see doing it if you wanted to try live migration or HA and you didn't have the money for multiple servers, but other than that what is the benefit?

I've finally got my lab set up at home.  I have 3 servers, two quad core Xeon's for ESXi and an older Acer server for Nas4Free.  I have 4 ZFS pools, two are iSCSI's and two are network shares and I have quad nics in all of them and have split 3/1 - Storage network/management network/live migration.  So far I'm really pleased with how it's going, but man it's sure eating up my time.  I get into doing something and before I know it 8 hours have gone by!

Anyway, yeah, nested hypervisors... why?
From: Dan (HERMAND)26 Oct 2013 00:11
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 2 of 3
No benefit whatsoever except for development/learning purposes. It's fun to do, but I'd never advocate it for something important.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)26 Oct 2013 03:01
To: Dan (HERMAND) 3 of 3
Thanks! I just couldn't figure out the use other than lack of hardware!