From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 1 Jan 2013 10:26
To: ALL1 of 1
Does anyone have a good QOS setup that they'd be willing to share?  I'm running Tomato on my Asus N66U and I /do/ have QOS enable and configured, but I'm not confident in the settings.  Plus the rules seem to change very rapidly.  For example, I know that my current settings don't take Silverlight into account and more video is being delivered by it now.  Maybe we could use this thread as a testing area and post settings to try?

I'm also not convinced about my settings because the classifications are processed from rule 1 down, I'm sure I don't have those prioritized like I should.  But I'd rather get the classes set correctly and go from there.  So yeah, lets do this!  Here are my current settings.  Be kind, my mind is pretty much mush anymore!
EDITED: 1 Jan 2013 10:33 by SHIELDSIT