Rounding numbers

From: Matt13 Jun 2012 21:09
To: Mikee 2 of 18
Are you're only interested in rounding to 1 decimal place?

The benefit to the native (PHP) round function is the optional number of digits it allows you to round to and the different types of rounding, i.e. round half-up, half-down, etc.

Testing for all those options is what probably accounts for the speed difference.
From: af (CAER)13 Jun 2012 22:28
To: Mikee 3 of 18
I use that rounding method in my noise texture generator.

I think the reason it's faster is it can be optimised better - it's an arithmetic operation rather than a function call.

From what I remember the main downside is that it doesn't work properly (by which I mean in a mathematically correct way) on negative numbers.
From: Mikee13 Jun 2012 22:28
To: Matt 4 of 18
Ok thanks Matt.

I've just been reading that really you shouldn't have more than 1 assertion per test case. Whoops.......

php code:
require_once 'colorjizz.php';
class CMYTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    const DELTA = 0.002;
    public function testToHexAndBack()
      for ($c=0; $c<=1; $c+=0.05)
        for ($m=0; $m<=1; $m+=0.05)
          for ($y=0; $y<=1; $y+=0.05)
            $cmy = CMY::create($c, $m, $y)->toHex()->toCMY();
            $this->assertEquals($c, $cmy->c, null, self::DELTA);
            $this->assertEquals($m, $cmy->m, null, self::DELTA);
            $this->assertEquals($y, $cmy->y, null, self::DELTA);
    public function testToRGBAndBack()
      for ($c=0; $c<=1; $c+=0.05)
        for ($m=0; $m<=1; $m+=0.05)
          for ($y=0; $y<=1; $y+=0.05)
            $cmy = CMY::create($c, $m, $y)->toRGB()->toCMY();
            $this->assertEquals($c, $cmy->c, null, self::DELTA);
            $this->assertEquals($m, $cmy->m, null, self::DELTA);
            $this->assertEquals($y, $cmy->y, null, self::DELTA);
    public function testToXYZAndBack()
      for ($c=0; $c<=1; $c+=0.05)
        for ($m=0; $m<=1; $m+=0.05)
          for ($y=0; $y<=1; $y+=0.05)
            $cmy = CMY::create($c, $m, $y)->toXYZ()->toCMY();
            $this->assertEquals($c, $cmy->c, null, self::DELTA);
            $this->assertEquals($m, $cmy->m, null, self::DELTA);
            $this->assertEquals($y, $cmy->y, null, self::DELTA);
    public function testToCMYKAndBack()
      for ($c=0; $c<=1; $c+=0.05)
        for ($m=0; $m<=1; $m+=0.05)
          for ($y=0; $y<=1; $y+=0.05)
            $cmy = CMY::create($c, $m, $y)->toCMYK()->toCMY();
            $this->assertEquals($c, $cmy->c, null, self::DELTA);
            $this->assertEquals($m, $cmy->m, null, self::DELTA);
            $this->assertEquals($y, $cmy->y, null, self::DELTA);
    public function testToYxyAndBack()
      for ($c=0; $c<=1; $c+=0.05)
        for ($m=0; $m<=1; $m+=0.05)
          for ($y=0; $y<=1; $y+=0.05)
            $cmy = CMY::create($c, $m, $y)->toYxy()->toCMY();
            $this->assertEquals($c, $cmy->c, null, self::DELTA);
            $this->assertEquals($m, $cmy->m, null, self::DELTA);
            $this->assertEquals($y, $cmy->y, null, self::DELTA);
    public function testToCIELabAndBack()
      for ($c=0; $c<=1; $c+=0.05)
        for ($m=0; $m<=1; $m+=0.05)
          for ($y=0; $y<=1; $y+=0.05)
            $cmy = CMY::create($c, $m, $y)->toCIELab()->toCMY();
            $this->assertEquals($c, $cmy->c, null, self::DELTA);
            $this->assertEquals($m, $cmy->m, null, self::DELTA);
            $this->assertEquals($y, $cmy->y, null, self::DELTA);
    public function testToCIELChAndBack()
      for ($c=0; $c<=1; $c+=0.05)
        for ($m=0; $m<=1; $m+=0.05)
          for ($y=0; $y<=1; $y+=0.05)
            $cmy = CMY::create($c, $m, $y)->toCIELCh()->toCMY();
            $this->assertEquals($c, $cmy->c, null, self::DELTA);
            $this->assertEquals($m, $cmy->m, null, self::DELTA);
            $this->assertEquals($y, $cmy->y, null, self::DELTA);
    public function testToHSVAndBack()
      for ($c=0; $c<=1; $c+=0.05)
        for ($m=0; $m<=1; $m+=0.05)
          for ($y=0; $y<=1; $y+=0.05)
            $cmy = CMY::create($c, $m, $y)->toHSV()->toCMY();
            $this->assertEquals($c, $cmy->c, null, self::DELTA);
            $this->assertEquals($m, $cmy->m, null, self::DELTA);
            $this->assertEquals($y, $cmy->y, null, self::DELTA);
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)13 Jun 2012 22:50
To: Mikee 5 of 18
I've just been reading that really you shouldn't have more than 1 assertion per test case.

If anyone says explicitly that then they're probably an idiot.

Each test case should* be a test case, but use however many assertions it takes to test that case.

*It's partly just a benefit of maintainability/comprehension (so personal preference), but also a matter of not having logic in your test cases which could itself contain bugs (that then potentially obscures actual bugs).

If the code you posted was mine, I'd probably simplify the existing functions to this:
php code:
public function testToHexAndBack()
	$cmy = CMY::create($c, $m, $y)->toHex()->toCMY();
	$this->assertEquals($c, $cmy->c, null, self::DELTA);
	$this->assertEquals($m, $cmy->m, null, self::DELTA);
	$this->assertEquals($y, $cmy->y, null, self::DELTA);

And then process them like this:
php code:
function testRoundingStuff()
	for ($c=0; $c<=1; $c+=0.05)
		for ($m=0; $m<=1; $m+=0.05)
			for ($y=0; $y<=1; $y+=0.05)
				// etc
EDITED: 13 Jun 2012 22:55 by BOUGHTONP
From: Mikee14 Jun 2012 09:43
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 6 of 18
The problem with that (I think) is that if a single assertion fails in that test, it wont run the rest.
From: Mikee14 Jun 2012 09:50
To: ALL7 of 18

CMYK is a bugger to unit test.


$cmyk = new CMYK(0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0);
$rgb = $cmyk->toRGB()


rgb gives: 242, 242, 242


$rgb->toCMYK() gives 0, 0, 0, 0.05


Pretty much every other implementation of this online seems to do the same, although with photoshop:


CMYK (%): 5, 5, 5, 0




RGB: 239, 236, 234


and CMYK (%): 0, 0, 0, 5


gives RGB: 241, 242, 242





EDITED: 14 Jun 2012 09:51 by MIKEE
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)14 Jun 2012 12:30
To: Mikee 8 of 18
Get better testing software, that lets you specify to keep going.
From: af (CAER)14 Jun 2012 13:08
To: Mikee 9 of 18
Be careful when using photoshop that you're not complicating things with colour profiles. That's a whole other headache.
From: Mikee14 Jun 2012 13:19
To: af (CAER) 10 of 18

I really shouldn't have got involved in colours considering I hate them.


Might make it so that everything is forced to go through a greyscale function before it's outputted.

From: af (CAER)14 Jun 2012 13:34
To: Mikee 11 of 18
You could investigate L*a*b too; from what I remember, that's what Photoshop uses internally to convert between colour types/spaces.
From: koswix14 Jun 2012 15:10
To: Mikee 12 of 18
Your PB and I claim my 5 brick.
From: Dan (HERMAND)14 Jun 2012 15:27
To: koswix 13 of 18

What about his PB?


(Welcome to '99)

From: koswix14 Jun 2012 15:34
To: Dan (HERMAND) 14 of 18



I read a summary thing that one of my lecturers wrote about my assessments in a CAD class at college. He had written "you're drawings have continued to improve". He also continually goes on about what he's going to learn us, telling us that we've already drew something so it'll be easy. Amongst other cringe inducing phrases. A fucking /lecturer/. (fail)

From: Mikee14 Jun 2012 15:34
To: af (CAER) 15 of 18
My library can convert to/from Lab..

for example:

php code:
use MischiefCollective\ColorJizz\Formats\Hex;
// im not sure why you'd ever want to do this
echo Hex::fromString('CC0000')->toCIELab()->toHSV()->toRGB()->toHex()->toString(); // CC0000
// or..
use MischiefCollective\ColorJizz\Formats\CIELab;
echo CIELab::create(53, 80, 69)->toHex()->toString(); // FE0000

But at the moment, converting between RGB and CMYK and back first uses CMY internally.

for example..

php code:
class CMY {
  function toRGB() {
   return $this->toCMY()->toCMYK();
class RGB {
  function toCMYK() {
    return $this->toCMY()->toRGB();

I wonder if I can find a formula that does this all in a different way.. Hm.
From: Dan (HERMAND)15 Jun 2012 08:26
To: koswix 16 of 18
From: Mikee15 Jun 2012 08:39
To: ALL17 of 18



Slowly started moving it over to namespaced PHP5.3 with some unit tests and whatnot.


Still a long way to do, and a whole load of comments to add!


It's not very extendable the way it is, though. Thinking of restructuring it so it's got more of a plugin-style system going on.

From: Matt15 Jun 2012 11:23
To: Mikee 18 of 18

Your extensibility looks fine, I wouldn't bother trying to make a plug-in style system, it'll just turn into a hideous mess of over-complicated checks involving method_exists and depending on how you do it, file_exists too, all of which will only slow it down.


The only thing I might do is make the arguments to your class methods all objects so you can type hint them and thus enforce them to be something more robust than PHP's crappy loose typing.


If you want to make it really easy to extend, and as you're targeting PHP 5.3, (you'll know this already of course) just make sure you're using the 'static' keyword when calling static functions and not self so they too can be overloaded / inherited. Also put things into suitably small chunks in properly scoped methods and well, that's about it.

EDITED: 15 Jun 2012 11:23 by MATT