Not logged in going directly to discussion.php

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)15 Aug 2011 16:07
To: ALL1 of 1
The other day I set my shortcut to go directly to so that I don't have to manually remove the header every time, because it's a waste of space on a small screen, and the Flash thing probably drains my battery quicker.

However, seems that I'm not being auto-logged in going that route.

I have to first visit index.php, get logged in, then go back to discussion.php again, which is a pain.

I don't remember having this problem over the weekend, but I can't be sure I didn't.

Don't suppose anyone else is having the problem?
(Simply going to discussion.php now won't show anything - need to have auto-login enabled, wait for session to expire or fully close browser, then go directly to the URL above and see if it logs in via cookies or not.)