Something good from the Coalition

From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)22 Dec 2010 08:36
To: JonCooper 18 of 20

Abso-frikkin'-lutely. As long as they're not a drain on the already over-burdened Great British taxpayer, that's all that matters. I'm only thinking of you.


Besides, kids from rich families have a higher standard that they expect, and so need better paying jobs. Unless they expect windfall inheritances and HMG promise not to tax those too much. In which case, it's all up in the air, init?

From: PNCOOL22 Dec 2010 12:15
To: JonCooper 19 of 20
The poor families probably aren't going to be affected though. It's the children of the families in the middle that will suffer.
From: JonCooper22 Dec 2010 13:52
To: PNCOOL 20 of 20
that is true