They suck.

From: Manthorp28 Dec 2006 09:32
To: Username 2 of 33
The salient point, whether you like them or not, is that they ARE history. They sit at the heart of the history of popular music. Everything you listen to (and everything which people with broader and better musical tastes than you listen to) is influenced by the Beatles. Their role in popularising and Anglicising the twelve bar blues, their part in the repositioning of popular musicians within the spectrum of celebrity, their elevation of the poetic standards of lyric writing (and the expansion of what subjects lyrics could address). The Beatles experiments in psychedelic music were of considerable importance in themselves, and of incalculable importance in mainstreaming psychedelic music. They can claim credit for bringing the musical influence of the Indian subcontinent to western pop, and they also played a modest role in supporting contemporary composers (Stockhausen, Taverner) and in introducing some of the musical principles of contemporary composition to a wider public.

One song alone, Tomorrow Never Knows, had a profound influence on the development of dance music in the nineties (and is quoted as a direct influence by several of the artists of the time). Without the Beatles, NOTHING that you listen to would exist in the form it does.

So whether you like them or not is irrelevant, Trig. Anybody with a genuine, live interest in music will continue to discuss them, because you can't make sense of modern music without acknowledging their influence. But then, that doesn't bother you, because a) your interest in music is not live, it's long dead and ossified and b) you have no desire to make sense of anything, just to blot out the silence of your life with noise.

Actually Trig, ALL your likes and dislikes are irrelevant, because you have no place in history at all, no matter how minor. You're a flea.
From: Radio28 Dec 2006 10:09
To: Manthorp 3 of 33
Fantastic post
From: patch28 Dec 2006 10:52
To: Manthorp 4 of 33

<stands to attention> (Yes, John. Obviously.)



From: Manthorp28 Dec 2006 11:29
To: ALL5 of 33
<Bows somewhat shamefacedly>
From: Username28 Dec 2006 14:06
To: Manthorp 6 of 33

no you fool.
they sit at the heart of recordable media, tv and radio
television the drug of a nation breading ignorance and feeding radiation
without the drug of a nation beatles would be nothing
beatles created comercialism
beatle are shite period
beatles got banned from us LMAO
beatles is bigger than jesus?
silly boy

From: Username28 Dec 2006 14:08
To: Manthorp 7 of 33

the first music came from the black man in 1940s southern america
this is where ALL infuences come from
the entire 20th centrury music spectrum begins and ends with the black man
you ignorant washed up bafoon
idiot cunts who think bealtes are music
idiot cunts who think bealtes started it all and where the first spectrum of musical light began
idiot manthorp

EDITED: 28 Dec 2006 14:10 by USERNAME
From: Radio28 Dec 2006 14:23
To: Username 8 of 33

I think Mozart and Beethoven, who although far from being the first musicians, would strongly disagree with you that the first music ever came into being in the 1940's.


Oh, and as for the rest, you're talking crap and just being a troll again.
I'm ignoring you for the rest of this thread.

From: Manthorp28 Dec 2006 14:41
To: Username 9 of 33
As I said, your opinions are of no significance to anybody.
EDITED: 28 Dec 2006 14:41 by MANTHORP
From: JonCooper28 Dec 2006 15:05
To: Username 10 of 33
beatles is bigger than jesus?

what Lennon was trying to say, and has sadly been misrepresented by fools ever since, is that, at the time he was speaking, the Beatles were more important to the youth culture of the day than Jesus

and he was right
From: spinning_plates28 Dec 2006 15:08
To: Username 11 of 33
the first music came from the black man in 1940s southern america

Just of out curiosity, when you say "the black man" which one are you referring to?
From: spinning_plates28 Dec 2006 15:10
To: JonCooper 12 of 33

I wish the Beatles were still bigger than Jesus in the states :(


I spent about an hour last night going over a few Beatles albums looking for some of my favourites to stick on a 1GB SD card to put in my Palm. I think I'll have a listen to some of it while I do some work.

From: Manthorp28 Dec 2006 15:26
To: spinning_plates 13 of 33
From: spinning_plates28 Dec 2006 15:28
To: Manthorp 14 of 33
LOL, dat is in color man, not black!
From: els28 Dec 2006 16:02
To: spinning_plates 15 of 33

Im guessing the black man he,s referring to is actually purple and from liverpool . ;-)


not sure how many scousers are on the forum , but a quick google search will reveal all .


edit: just google purple aki ;P

EDITED: 28 Dec 2006 16:03 by ELS
From: spinning_plates28 Dec 2006 16:04
To: els 16 of 33

Maybe my search wasn,t specific enough but running "purple man liverpool" through google gives

From: els28 Dec 2006 16:10
To: spinning_plates 17 of 33
your search was spot on :]
From: spinning_plates28 Dec 2006 16:40
To: els 18 of 33
Ah yes indeed


he cannot loiter near educational establishments, gyms or sports clubs


Under the terms of the order [he] cannot touch, feel or measure muscles

should have given it away.
From: Username28 Dec 2006 17:52
To: JonCooper 19 of 33

its was a long intermite private interview that went on for hours
the silly man should have said what you said
but he never because hes a fool on the hill
he was a troll of the pop culture spouting crap basiclly
most of younth culture will always think of music before jesus anytime anywhere any decade past present and future


whores to recordable media


mozart probably said that too

From: Username28 Dec 2006 17:55
To: spinning_plates 20 of 33
the black men that played music and sang
From: Woggy28 Dec 2006 19:04
To: els 21 of 33
Bloody hell, we all knew about Purps at school. He tried to feel up one of my mates once at college.
EDITED: 28 Dec 2006 19:05 by WOGGY