Sitting to close..

From: Username 4 Dec 2006 03:17
To: ALL1 of 3
... INTERNET, the drug of a nation, breading intelligence and feeding creation.

Zoo TV.

The tour, partly inspired by CNN's seemingly endless coverage of the Gulf War was on one level a straight-faced satire on the media overload that came to define the 1990s.

Zoo Station" is four minutes of a television that's not tuned in to any station, but giving you interference and shash and almost a TV picture. "The Fly" is information meltdown – text, sayings, truisms, untruisms, oxymorons, soothsayings, etc., all blasted at high speed, just fast enough so it's impossible to actually read what's being said. "Even Better Than the Real Thing" is whatever happens to be flying around the stratosphere on that night. Satellite TV pictures, the weather, shopping channel, cubic zirconium diamond rings, religious channels, soap operas

Zoo Internet.

" "
EDITED: 4 Dec 2006 08:28 by WINGNUTKJ
From: Username 4 Dec 2006 03:20
To: Username 2 of 3
Everything you know is wrong


EDITED: 4 Dec 2006 08:28 by WINGNUTKJ
From: mmm (JAY) 4 Dec 2006 03:55
To: Username 3 of 3
