Mission Accomplished...

From: Manthorp 2 Sep 2006 10:48
To: ALL1 of 2

... but the beat goes on.

Pentagon Cites Spike In Violence in Iraq
Averting Civil War Called Main Goal

Rising sectarian bloodshed has pushed violence in Iraq to its highest level in more than two years, and preventing civil war is now the most urgent mission of the growing contingent of 140,000 U.S. troops in the country, according to a new Pentagon report released yesterday.

Executions, kidnappings and other sectarian attacks targeting Iraqi civilians have soared over the past three months, contributing to a 51 percent rise in casualties among the population and Iraqi security forces, the report said. More than 3,000 Iraqis are killed or wounded each month, and by July, 2,000 of the casualties were the result of sectarian incidents, it showed.

The Pentagon report, though consistent with what news media have reported for months, is significant because it represents an official acknowledgment of trends that are widely believed to be driving the country toward full-scale civil war.

From today's Washington Post.
From: funky (ISA) 2 Sep 2006 14:33
To: Manthorp 2 of 2
American soldiers (think 8,000 of them?) have seen the lies and are going AWOL. I posted about it at my forum here.