We've shown our desks, now show your desktop!

From: Dave!! 2 May 2020 21:04
To: william (WILLIAMA) 51 of 59
That's a biggie! The one in Aberdeen only has 11 turbines, but they are some of the biggest in the world apparently. We live several miles north of Aberdeen so they're a lot smaller in the pictures. In Aberdeen, they look absolutely massive, despite being several miles offshore.
From: william (WILLIAMA) 2 May 2020 21:20
To: Dave!! 52 of 59
It's big at around 72 square kilometres, but not in the top 5 around the UK. 
From: Dave!! 4 May 2020 20:26
To: ALL53 of 59
To spice things up a bit, here's also the desktop from my Silicon Graphics Indigo2 machine. The operating system is IRIX 6.5.22 here.
From: Dave!! 4 May 2020 20:30
To: Dave!! 54 of 59
And here it is running "fsn" (pronounced "fusion"). This is the 3D file navigator program that famously appeared in Jurassic Park in the "this is a Unix system, I know this!" bit. It is an actual program, albeit one of limited real-world use.
From: koswix 4 May 2020 20:53
To: Dave!! 55 of 59

That's cool. Why*/how?

*as in are you supporting some ancient tech, or just for fun? No justification required beyond fun.
From: Dave!! 4 May 2020 21:28
To: koswix 56 of 59
Fun, basically. My dad worked at the VR centre at a local university back in the 90s, I went in from time to time during the school holidays and fell in love with the SGI machines there (beautiful and impressive things, coming from a world of beige PCs as I was back then). Several years later, I got my hands on a couple of the older student systems when they were being let go cheaply.

Got bored with them mid-2000s and popped them in the loft, but caught the bug again after moving house a few years back (and finding them in the loft). I've since added slightly to my collection to acquire my most "sought-after" machine (the Indigo2). It's just pretty cool to play around with a system that was worth around £50,000 when new - especially with their connection to the movie industry, plus playing with pure old-school Unix is also quite fun.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 5 May 2020 03:55
To: Dave!! 57 of 59
Now that's a proper desktop.

From: koswix 5 May 2020 13:41
To: Dave!! 58 of 59
Do you do anything fun with it?
From: Dave!! 6 May 2020 17:23
To: koswix 59 of 59
A few odds and sods! IRIX is an interesting OS to customise and play around with, and I've done a bit of work with porting a couple of apps to IRIX, mainly rdesktop (open-source Remote Desktop client), plus also some work a while ago with OpenTTD. Other than that, the Indigo2 sounds great for music and can rip vinyls quite nicely, playing the odd retro-game like Doom or various ScummVM games is also fun.