Teh VRum

From: Voltane21 Jul 2017 15:10
To: Manthorp 7 of 10
I'd love stuff like that Nature one. Places to go and just relax.
Even a "game" of exploring an island without any danger could be quite nice in vr.

Played a game like John Wick on the Vive before, definitely sounds like a good movie tie-in (do you get bonuses for double-taps?).

They were showing the Star Wars one last year at a convention but we didn't realise until sometime t was too late to book a slot. The extra level in Battlefront was cool but they need to do a full X-Wing game.
From: Manthorp21 Jul 2017 23:23
To: Voltane 8 of 10
Yeah, Nature Trek is all of that. Maybe Sony will pick it up - it seems to have a lot of passionate fans on Oculus & Vive.

The John Wick Chronicles uses the room-sized VR to perfection - the first level is set on a window washers hoist with a bit of space into a car park, bound by vaguely logical odds and sods. Admittedly the flight case full of guns & grenades is a bit gratuitous, but there wouldn't be a lot of game without them.  And yes, you can watch the John Wick 2 trailer on your vast hotel room TV before the assassins start shooting out your windows.

The Star Wars is ludicrously short, but ludicrously entertaining. I believe that Batman: Arkham VR is too, on pretty much the same cosplay gratification level: but there's something in my setup crashes it (and in a litany of other people's setups, too), so I've never got far enough into it to get the best of it.

So You can play Star trek: Bridge Commander (or whatever it's called) solo can you? I'd assumed that it was multiplayer only.
EDITED: 22 Jul 2017 11:12 by MANTHORP
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)24 Jul 2017 14:04
To: Manthorp 9 of 10
I stupidly sold my DK2 after not using it for over 2 months after getting fed up with Elite Dangerous. I got back into it after my mate lent me his Oculus for a few weeks, now I really miss it. I was tempted by the £399 pack just released but I purchased a GTX 1080 ti instead.

Some great experiences on it though. Here are just a few:
Robo recall
and of course
Elite Dangerous!

From: Voltane30 Jul 2017 22:24
To: Manthorp 10 of 10
Star Trek can be played solo and a small group. You can switch between roles if the AI is too dumb. But definitely better with others.

I liked Batman VR but wouldn't play it more than once.