1st to 1,000,000

From: milko25 Apr 2017 09:37
To: Rich 9 of 27
search is intermittent rather than gone.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)25 Apr 2017 10:37
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 10 of 27
Never heard of lieberals?
From: DeannaG (CYBATRON)25 Apr 2017 13:48
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 11 of 27
What about spandex or body paint? lol
From: Rich25 Apr 2017 13:58
Or a lie-brary?  :'-D 

Haha. I'm so smart. Oh, wait.

From: Rich25 Apr 2017 13:59
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 13 of 27
What about a zentai?
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)25 Apr 2017 14:03
To: Rich 14 of 27
Our notorious, crack-smoking former mayor called them "lieberries".
From: ANT_THOMAS25 Apr 2017 15:43
I prefer member berries.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)25 Apr 2017 16:53
To: ANT_THOMAS 16 of 27
Had to google that.  :-$
From: Voltane25 Apr 2017 19:24
To: All 17 of 27
At the rate we post how long will it take to get to 1,000,000?
From: Rich25 Apr 2017 22:17
To: Voltane 18 of 27
161 years.

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)25 Apr 2017 23:10
To: graphitone 19 of 27
You can't afford me, baby.
From: graphitone26 Apr 2017 10:26
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 20 of 27

I see, so you're implying that you could be paid to dress in silver spandex with a stapler blu-tak'd to your face if the price was right.

I'll start the bidding a £7.30 and a bag of monster munch.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)26 Apr 2017 19:51
To: graphitone 21 of 27
Let's put it this way: for a colour of my choice and without any staplers or blu tak involved, you need to be in the region of £50k and a concise objective report on why only arseholes vote Tory provided by the end of the month.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)30 Apr 2017 21:47
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 22 of 27
> a concise objective report on why only arseholes vote Tory

Closest thing I've found: http://anotherangryvoice.blogspot.co.uk/2017/04/30-things-you-should-know-about-tory.html

Not exactly objective, but hopefully it'll do.

Theresa May said that we should judge the Tory government on their record, so here's a list of some of the things that any reasonably well informed citizen should know about the Tory record in government since 2010.

Election fraud

The Tory party committed electoral fraud in 2015. They've already paid the maximum fine the Electoral Commission could levy against them for election cheating, and 30 Tories are facing the prospect of criminal prosecution for financially doping their way to victory in a number of marginal constituencies.

A vote for Tories is a vote to empower electoral cheats

Longest fall in value of wages since records began

Under Tory rule British workers have suffered the longest sustained decline in the real value of their wages since records began. The fall is so bad that it's the joint worst wage collapse in the developed world with Greece. The difference of course is that Greece did that to their workers because they were forced to by the Troika, the Tories did that to British workers because they wanted to.

A vote for Tories is a vote for lower wages

Spectacularly missed economic targets
In 2010 the Tories promised to eliminate the deficit by 2015. In 2017 they're still nowhere near eliminating it, and they've openly admitted that they won't be doing it any time before 2021. Over 11 years to do what they promised to do in under 5, and more new public debt created in the process than every single Labour government in history combined? If that's "strong economic management", I'd hate to see what Tories would classify as chaotic, debt-soaring ineptitude.

A vote for Tories is a vote for more economic mismanagement

The austerity con

After such spectacularly missed targets and George Osborne's departure from Westminster politics it's amazing that millions still believe in his austerity con, but Theresa May is still parroting the same kind of economically illiterate justifications for a blatantly unjustifiable economic agenda. The evidence is now absolutely clear that austerity only succeeded in transferring wealth from the majority to the super rich minority at the expense of the real economy.

A vote for Tories is a vote for the continuation of the Tory austerity con

NHS cuts
Between 2010 and 2015 the Tories slashed £20 billion off the NHS budget. Their current spending plans involve a further £22 billion in funding cuts between 2015 and 2020. Slashing the NHS budget, closing dozens of hospitals and other NHS facilities; reducing services; and laying off tens of thousands of staff would be bad enough in it's own right, but at a time of rapidly increasing demand on NHS services it's a recipe for disaster.

A vote for Tories is a vote for an NHS in crisis

NHS recruitment crisis

One of Theresa May's first acts as Prime Minister was to scrap NHS bursaries, which caused an astonishing 10,000 decline in applications for nursing courses. Add into the mix the fact that NHS staff from EU countries are quitting the NHS in record numbers and there's a massive NHS recruitment crisis on the cards.

A vote for Tories is a vote for
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From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 2 May 2017 23:30
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 23 of 27
From: graphitone 3 May 2017 16:42
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 24 of 27
Excellent, so just need the 50k now then.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3 May 2017 22:34
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3 May 2017 22:35
To: graphitone 26 of 27
I'll accept Euros too.
From: Gobfounded (YVE) 6 May 2017 00:43
To: Rich 27 of 27
I love a bit of senseless optimism.