Steam Link

From: ANT_THOMAS22 Dec 2016 22:31
To: ANT_THOMAS 2 of 10
But of course Anthony, you can create your own with a raspberry pi.

I think I'll try that first. Then realise the games I might want to play are only on Windows. So I need to install Windows.
EDITED: 22 Dec 2016 22:32 by ANT_THOMAS
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)23 Dec 2016 14:25
To: ANT_THOMAS 3 of 10
I admit I've been curious to see how games would look on a retro 27" motel monster colour tv (really shitty youtube?), but probably not enuf to make it happen.
From: ANT_THOMAS 4 Jan 2017 21:42
To: ALL4 of 10
Tried the Raspberry Pi version, but that only works with Windows installations of Steam.

So, I bought a Steam Link. It nearly works with Linux, but there's definitely issues. Time to install Windows and therefore read up on how not to destroy my Linux install in the process. Grub has never been my friend.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 4 Jan 2017 22:14
To: ANT_THOMAS 5 of 10
Depending on which version of Windows, you may be able to boot from a live cd/dvd or usb thumb, chroot into your linux and reinstall grub over the mbr. Otherwise the best way is to install windows first, and then linux.
From: ANT_THOMAS 4 Jan 2017 22:19
Yeah, Windows then Linux is definitely the best way. Or the even better way is a separate hard drive and just use the BIOS boot list to pick the right drive.

I think what I need to do is create a separate partition formatted to NTFS. Let Windows do its business. Use a LiveCD/USB as you say and sort grub out with that. Looks like there's a nice program "boot-repair" that does all the magic for you.

I think a backup of my home directory is advisable beforehand!
From: graphitone 5 Jan 2017 16:30
To: ANT_THOMAS 7 of 10
Are you thinking of getting rid of the 360? If so, what would you want for it? I keep half an eye on eBay lists as I'm trying to snaffle a cheap one, but keep getting outbid.

I should probably put more than a tenner down up front.

From: ANT_THOMAS 5 Jan 2017 20:30
To: ALL8 of 10
I've split the partition, installed Windows 7, and the steam link works far far better than with Linux (shock). Just been trying Dirt 3, no idea how demanding it is but it's running smoothly with pretty much no lag. That's over wifi for the steam link too (5GHz, possibly AC).

PC spec is
Core i5 2400
4GB RAM tbhx2
Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti
From: ANT_THOMAS 5 Jan 2017 20:36
To: ALL9 of 10
I take that back, it just jumped for second and I ended up in a tree :$
From: graphitone 5 Jan 2017 21:36
To: ANT_THOMAS 10 of 10
Maybe twitch games like that are best suited to wired connections.

You want something more sedate.
