Death Race 2015

From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)29 Jan 2015 18:12
To: ALL60 of 80
Right I am going for:

Clive James (old age)
George Bush Senior (age)
Russel Brand (gonna piss off someone with a hit man to hand soon)
EDITED: 2 Feb 2015 22:40 by SLAYERPUNX
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)29 Jan 2015 20:00
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 61 of 80
I like your thinking on Russell Brand. The how is not important, just the possibility.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)29 Jan 2015 20:10
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 62 of 80
Auto-erotic asphyxiation.
Message 41338.63 was deleted
From: Queeg 500 (JESUSONEEZ)30 Jan 2015 10:19
To: Al JunioR (53NORTH) 64 of 80
Russell Braeeuurrghh.

From: graphitone20 Mar 2015 15:48
To: Voltane Manthorp All 65 of 80
Did anyone chalk up Voltane's point? Who's keeping score around here?
From: Manthorp22 Mar 2015 18:17
To: graphitone 66 of 80
Fair point, well made.  I'll go through & do a tally as soon as I can be arsed.  It's going to be hard to come up with a definitive judgement where Ken's nomination of Macca is concerned.
From: Manthorp22 Mar 2015 18:30
To: ALL67 of 80
Well, that was easy.  One point to Voltane, unless you accept Ringo Starr's assurance that Paul McCartney did indeed die in 1966, in which case, a point to Ken too.
From: graphitone22 Mar 2015 19:24
To: Manthorp 68 of 80
From: Voltane23 Mar 2015 10:31
To: graphitone 69 of 80
I'd completely forgotten i'd entered this. :(

If i recall correctly I get to choose someone new, in which case:

Harry Knowles
From: graphitone23 Mar 2015 10:58
To: Voltane 70 of 80
I have no idea who that is.  :-$
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)23 Mar 2015 15:05
To: ALL71 of 80
I don't know if I'm picking ones that have already been picked, there's no central reference :(

Silvio Berlusconi - say no more, say no more..
Buzz Aldrin - I'm honestly very sad about this one, I reserve the right to not take points for it
Scrap that, I appreciate Mr Aldrin too much; replaced with Vladimir Putin.
Justin Bieber - the greater good.
EDITED: 23 Mar 2015 15:07 by NUKKLEAR
From: Manthorp23 Mar 2015 16:51
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 72 of 80
In deference to Serguiuiuiuiu's point, here are the runners so far, each under their sponsor:

Ian Brady
Jimmy Carter
Rico Rodriguez Greville Janner (whether the evil old shit falls or is pushed)
Bruce Forsyth
Kirk Douglas
Hugh Hefner
Jimmy Tarbuck
Barry Cryer
Prince Philip
Stephen Hawking
Mr Bastard
Ian McKellan
Bob Ford
Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber
Sylvester Stallone
Denis Norden
Voltane (1 point - Unlucky for Some)
William Shatner
Leonard Nimoy Harry Knowles
George Lucas
Sir Paul McCartney (conclusive proof only)
Danny DeVito
John McCain
Mel Gibson
Robert Duvall
Justin Bieber
Clive James
George Bush Senior
Russell Brand
Silvio Berlusconi
Valdimir Putin (though if Buzz Aldrin dies this year, it's also Serge's fault)
Justin Bieber

Nobody who's already been chosen can be re-nominated, with the exception of Justin Bieber (known henceforth as the Bastard Dispensation)
EDITED: 7 Sep 2015 19:01 by MANTHORP
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)24 Mar 2015 00:58
To: Manthorp 73 of 80
Me: All the motherfucking zombies on Dead Island.
From: Voltane24 Mar 2015 15:49
To: Manthorp 74 of 80
As much as I don't like them, I didn't choose a member of One Direction.

It was Harry Knowles of 'Ain't it cool News' website.
From: Manthorp26 Mar 2015 09:40
To: Voltane 75 of 80
Wishful thinking.  I have amended.
From: Manthorp 5 Sep 2015 16:40
To: ALL76 of 80
Sorry to award myself a point with the death just announced of Rico Rodriguez.

I will endeavour to atone for my sense of personal responsibility for the great man's demise by replacing him with Greville Janner QC.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)24 May 2016 20:50
To: ALL77 of 80
I thought there was a DR2016 thread, but can't find it. Anyway Burt Kwouk, aka Cato.
From: graphitone24 May 2016 21:16
Yeah, there is a thread somewhere...

Burt was in the later series of Last of the Summer Wine. He was probably the best thing about it after most of the main character actors had karked it.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)24 May 2016 21:23
To: graphitone 79 of 80
Don't think I ever saw him in anything except PP. Maybe I did and didn't recognize him.