How much do you download?

From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)18 Dec 2014 22:20
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 22 of 30
All the cool people use blue text these days!
From: ANT_THOMAS18 Dec 2014 22:33
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 23 of 30

That's impossible on dial-up.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)19 Dec 2014 00:02
To: ANT_THOMAS 24 of 30
From: DeannaG (CYBATRON)19 Dec 2014 05:19
To: ALL25 of 30
Well according to our account information, for November we used 100Gs of 250G. However, they're not enforcing their cap. It doesn't say why, just they're not enforcing it.

We top out at around a 105MBs per second for $65 a month. We use Basic Talk for our phone, which only runs us $12 a month. Any TV shows or movies we want to see we watch on Netflix or on the web.

When you consider most networks have their own sites where you can watch their shows, and places like Netflix at $8.99 a month, plus RabbitTV at $10 a year, I really don't see why anyone gets cable for actual TV anymore.

Like I told my neighbor, pay for a good internet speed, and if you get what you pay for, you can get Basic Talk for phone and you don't need cable for TV entertainment. It'll save you a fortune.

Back when I had one of their bundles, Comcast phone was $45 a month and the cheapest TV cable was like $30 for less than a dozen crap channels, without internet. They probably cost more now.

I'd rather find my TV and movie entertainment online, then I can watch it on my schedule, and depending on the site, without commercials, plus it won't cost me any extra for it. High speed internet takes care of it all, and costs me half as much. :)
From: koswix19 Dec 2014 10:36
To: ALL26 of 30
I'm now at 444.10 gig in 60 days. I'm going to run out of storage space soon.
From: ANT_THOMAS19 Dec 2014 10:41
To: koswix 27 of 30
I think my record was probably 400 GB in 2 weeks when I bought a new external HDD at Uni and let everyone else in the house auto add torrents to utorrent.

I think it was at that point where Tiscali offered me out of my contract.
From: koswix19 Dec 2014 10:43
To: ANT_THOMAS 28 of 30

From: ANT_THOMAS19 Dec 2014 10:47
To: koswix 29 of 30
It was perfect timing because I had been waiting for BeThere to be enabled at my exchange and they arrived about a month earlier.
From: koswix19 Dec 2014 11:13
To: ANT_THOMAS 30 of 30
Surprised that ISPs aren't running some kind of blacklist for people like us :D