LED Light bulbs

From: Queeg 500 (JESUSONEEZ)20 Nov 2014 12:36
To: koswix 2 of 28
I've got a kitchen full of them. The traditional type used to blow all the time, so I plumped up £40 for four LED ones with supposedly a 10 year lifespan. Now, whether that pans out or not only time will tell, but they're all still going after a year, where I was lucky to get a month out of traditional bulbs in the kitchen, so I've easily got my money back.

Having said that, don't get them from the supermarket...if I'd known about CPC Farnell back then I would have got them there instead...also where I get all my batteries. Much cheaper.
From: fixrman20 Nov 2014 13:29
To: koswix 3 of 28
Are CFLs an option for you? Halogens suck electricity like a - well, they suck energy. CFL's are much more power efficient whilst providing good light output, especially after being on for a couple of minutes and the gas has completely been saturated with electrons. Typically a 13-watt CFL produces as much light as a 60 watt bulb. Why lumens aren't the more specified is beyond me. The electrical manufacturers must have had a love affair with James Watt.

LEDs are something I have been intrigued about for some time. I like the idea of low power making light but in most cases I find LEDs to be too blue. Some folks have purchased LED Christmas lights; I almost did until I saw their cylindrical, almost robotic-looking shape. Aesthetics are everything at Christmas, sorry. Manthorp, there must be some artfaggery in me from Mad Thos! He'd have never tolerated LED bulbs that looked like that (but then again, maybe he would as long as he had a pint).
From: koswix20 Nov 2014 14:03
To: fixrman 4 of 28
CFLs are Shite. We have some but they take so long to brighten up that often you've finished in the room by the time they've got up to speed. I also find them pretty dim - maybe you can get 1200 lumen ones now, but ours are more like 750 or something.

Halogens aren't that bad at electricity use, certainly less than the incandescent bulbs I'm no longer allowed to buy (unless I pretend I'm a industey that needs them). Compared to CFLs and LEDs they're Shite, though.
From: koswix20 Nov 2014 14:04
To: Queeg 500 (JESUSONEEZ) 5 of 28
Never even thought of checking Farnell for them. Will have a look just now. What's the 'quality' of light like? And the spread?
From: milko20 Nov 2014 15:12
To: koswix 6 of 28
CFLs have definitely come on a bit in the last year or two. I had to replace our living room light, went from old "60W" CFL to new "75W" CFL and found it uncomfortably bright for a while, til I got used to it. Much quicker to get there too.
From: fixrman20 Nov 2014 15:24
To: koswix 7 of 28
Many of them are instant on, have been for several years.
From: koswix20 Nov 2014 15:53
To: Queeg 500 (JESUSONEEZ) 8 of 28
Never even thought of checking Farnell for them. Will have a look just now. What's the 'quality' of light like? And the spread?
From: Queeg 500 (JESUSONEEZ)20 Nov 2014 17:14
To: koswix 9 of 28
I'm not sure of the power level of the ones I've got, but in the kitchen (which is small) we have a quad-directional light fitting so the bulbs are pointing at exactly where they're needed...having said that, they are generally much brighter than their standard bulb counterparts, and fill the room more than the more pronounced 'spot' effect of the standard bulb.

Some of it depends on what you want illuminated...I wouldn't want light like this is a living room...I prefer a softer light from traditional bulbs, but for a kitchen, bathroom/shower and perhaps a workshop/workspace, the LED would be my preference.
From: ANT_THOMAS20 Nov 2014 17:16
To: koswix 10 of 28
I bought a load of CFLs from CPC a few months ago to replace all the Halogen bulbs in my house.

I got some "instant on" CFLs that are actually quite small in physical size that work very well and they're nearly fully bright from the start. I also got some candle shaped ones for my side lights and bedside lamps, these are dim as fuck from switch on, but do warm up fairly quick, but maybe it's less of an issue because there's 4 of them on the wall.

My local ASDA have recently had some reasonable multi-deals on the end of an aisle for CFLs.

These are the "quick start" bulbs - http://cpc.farnell.com/jsp/search/productdetail.jsp?SKU=LP07406 (but no longer stocked!!)

These are the slow starting ones - http://cpc.farnell.com/jsp/search/productdetail.jsp?SKU=LP07271

I did buy a selection of LED GU10s from DX.com a while back and found probably one or two bulbs that I liked. Could do with replacing all the kitchen and bathroom halogen GU10s with LED bulbs.
EDITED: 20 Nov 2014 17:17 by ANT_THOMAS
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)20 Nov 2014 18:24
To: koswix 11 of 28
I have some Philips Hue's.  Does that count?
From: koswix20 Nov 2014 18:27
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 12 of 28
They're not those stupid wifi ones, are they?
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)20 Nov 2014 18:29
To: koswix 13 of 28
No  :-((

From: koswix20 Nov 2014 20:51
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 14 of 28
You daft bastard :'D
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)20 Nov 2014 20:53
To: koswix 15 of 28
Why?  They are actually pretty kick ass.  They were also a gift, but that shouldn't matter because they are nice.  I can make the room simulate being in the ocean or a sunset or all kinds of things.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)20 Nov 2014 20:56
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 16 of 28
If you lived in Vanuatu you wouldn't need lights to simulate the ocean being in your living room. :/
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)20 Nov 2014 20:58
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 17 of 28
I'm sure there are a few places like that.  But where I am if I want to simulate being in the ocean I have to use my lights to do it.
From: koswix20 Nov 2014 21:04
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 18 of 28
Oh I think they're pretty cool, and if someone wants to give me some I'm all for it. 

But a hundred and eighty quid for 3 bulbs?! The tech inside inside them is so basic. An MCU, a controllable RGB LED and a wifi dongle. I could make one with no economies of scale and including many unnecessary parts for what, like ten quid?
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)20 Nov 2014 21:06
To: koswix 19 of 28
Oh I agree that they are over priced, but really, what isn't these days?  Mine has a bridge that you can send commands to to control them.
From: koswix20 Nov 2014 21:15
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 20 of 28
 A bridge? Ah well, totally worth it then. (nod)
From: Chris (CHRISSS)20 Nov 2014 21:22
To: ALL21 of 28
The only LEDs I have are the colour changing strip under the bridging units in the bedroom. The rest are a mix of CFLs and halogens. In the kitchen I have a Phillips Tornado CFL which is definitely brighter than a standard 60W bulb. I had troube finding high lumen CFLs/LEDs when I last looked.