Sharing Thread!

From: milko13 Nov 2014 00:49
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 8 of 15
Dunno, only ever tried the original I think. Ask Xen.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)13 Nov 2014 01:04
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 9 of 15
Oi, fart face! Opine bitte.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)13 Nov 2014 02:02
To: ALL10 of 15
No, it's not. It's like M&B only completely shit. It was made by a third party and it shows.

The biggest problem is just the introduction of guns. They're extremely inaccurate and extremely powerful. Which may be realistic but is no fun at all. When you get hit it just feels like random chance (which it is) and you will instantly die. If you charge a line of musketeers you will die because probability dictates that at least one of them will hit you. Whereas if you get a musket you will hit maybe one in twenty shots.

Similar with grenades, if the enemy gets a lucky lob in then it can easily wipe out 20 soldiers in one hit. Which, since they're all throwing them, often happens during the initial charge meaning you and most of your army are instantly dead.

It has plenty of other problems but the main one is that. Combat is no longer fun. Stick with Warband.

From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)14 Nov 2014 00:49
To: milko 11 of 15
Thanks man!  I've added it to my account!
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)29 Oct 2015 03:25
To: ALL12 of 15
I have some more Steam Keys to share!  Just reply with what you've taken so everyone knows it's used please!


Abyss Odyssey


From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)29 Oct 2015 10:42
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 13 of 15
I've gone for the 1st contagion. Thanks! Insurgency is pretty cool, already own it.
From: Dan (HERMAND)29 Oct 2015 11:02
Yeah, I'm still really playing Insurgency. There's not many games that really interest me enough to play them past a week or so, but Insurgency reminds me Counter-Strike. If you can find some good servers with people who'll have fun, it can be a really good laugh.
From: Matt29 Oct 2015 14:05
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 15 of 15
Snagged a copy of Contagion too. Ta, Mr. Shields.