Gun Laws

From: fixrman 1 Feb 2016 13:10
To: milko 164 of 177
Very interesting and also predictable - baldly relating a story. Yes, forfeitures can happen, and certainly they do, but people are not without recourse. Trust me, if someone is [stupidly] carrying excessive amounts of cash in their vehicle or on their person, there could be an illegal reason why. People carrying large amounts of cash legally will do something about it. People carrying large amounts of cash illegally likely will not, and they probably will be charged with something as soon as the cops find out what illegal act(s) were committed.

Also very interesting is the second link where the article describes police running amok in situations, overreacting or performing illegal acts in the name of police work.

I suspect that if Americans gave up all their guns, police would return to their "To Protect and to Serve" role...  (fail)
EDITED: 1 Feb 2016 13:14 by FIXRMAN
From: Harry (HARRYN) 1 Feb 2016 19:51
To: fixrman 165 of 177
There are a lot of people who don't trust banks, especially after the past 10 years.

We have all watched what happened in Greece, where a government that was spending more than it took in, and was up to its eyeballs from bailing out banks, used deposited cash as "their own money".

People stood in lines at ATMs - every day, so that they could pull enough cash to buy groceries.

No matter if we agree or not, there are many migrants in the US, and many of them cannot even open a bank account.

I can think of a lot of reasons to not put your money in a bank and keep at least some of it as cash, and they don't involve doing anything particularly illegal, except for maybe having some side jobs.  In any event, if they are convicted of a crime, then seizing property is one thing, but taking people's possessions, without other strong proof, or just for minor crimes is not right.

Owning a knife or gun is not proof or even cause that I might have committed a crime.  Same with carrying cash.

Imagine the situation where a single Mom tries to make ends meet by engaging in prostitution.  We don't like to talk about it, but it happens, it is a crime, and it is all done in cash.   Is it really the correct response by police departments to seize this poor woman's hard earned cash, just because she is vulnerable ?

EDITED: 1 Feb 2016 20:01 by HARRYN
From: fixrman 2 Feb 2016 04:36
To: Harry (HARRYN) 166 of 177
Is it really the correct response by police departments to seize this poor woman's hard earned cash, just because she is vulnerable ?

I think you answered your own question there with one word: Crime.

Mom tries to make ends meet by engaging in prostitution.  We don't like to talk about it, but it happens, it is a crime, and it is all done in cash.

Is it fair for police departments to seize cash from a drug dealer just because he was desperate and turned to drug sales instead of a regular job? Perhaps the police should just bring the guy in, deliver the cash to his wife/kids and concentrate on real issues, like speeding or traffic violations.



No matter if we agree or not, there are many migrants in the US, and many of them cannot even open a bank account.

Are the migrants here legally? The ones I know who come here don't want a bank account because they don't want to be traced. Tough darts.

From: Harry (HARRYN) 2 Feb 2016 17:09
To: fixrman 167 of 177
If a person is not convicted of a crime, nor accused of a crime, what basis is there for seizing their property?  That is a fundamental right in the US Constitution, similar to the gun ownership aspect we both hold as important.

Anyone can be accused of a crime, and probably convicted of "something".  In the nearly 30 years of living in CA, they average 1500 new state laws per year, so over 40K laws, on top of what we already had.  What are the odds that the average person has any idea what these are ?

Is it really the same basis, to seize property, especially cash, for misdemeanors vs serious felonies ?  Are you saying it is ok for a police officer to pull over your wife because she made a small driving error, and take your paycheck while she was on the way to deposit it in the bank?   It was against the law - right ?

Suppose you are on your way to the shooting range with 3 of your nicest rifles, and you do a rolling stop.  Is it ok for the police officer to "suspect that you might be on your way to a crime", seize your guns, keep one for the local agency, give one to the FBI, and the other to the state police? 

After that, they can spend up to 1 year before making a "decision" on whether or not to charge you, during which time you cannot legally do much of anything.  Regardless of if they decide to charge you or not, after this year period, you have to hire a lawyer to sue them to get back your rifles.  This process can drag out another 1 - 2 years, and typically costs $2-5K in legal fees.

Are you really sure that you support this concept?
EDITED: 2 Feb 2016 17:16 by HARRYN
From: fixrman 3 Feb 2016 04:23
To: Harry (HARRYN) 168 of 177
Are you saying it is ok for a police officer to pull over your wife because she made a small driving error, and take your paycheck

A paycheck isn't cash. Mine were hardly enough to warrant suspicion, even when I was at the top of my earning level. Now, if my wife were to be pulled over after a minor driving infraction and allowed(!) a LEO to search the vehicle*, whereupon the officer discovered my trunk was full of cash, I'd have some 'splainin' to do. Especially to my wife.  (nod)

*I have never advised anyone to ever allow a vehicle search for any reason. All of my vehicles were bought pre-owned; how do I know what the previous owner stashed under the carpets or somewhere in a hidden compartment?


Suppose you are on your way to the shooting range with 3 of your nicest rifles,

The one rifle I own would probably cause suspicion, especially if I had ammunition for it. It is a sniper rifle, albeit an old one. If they saw the targets in the back, they'd know I don't miss.


and you do a rolling stop.

Can't afford that. I drive for an occupation.

In the nearly 30 years of living in CA, they average 1500 new state laws per year,

I don't live in Cali, friend. I wouldn't live in California, way too liberal for my tastes. Pelosi is out there. OUT THERE. I'd suggest you move. Tomorrow, or sooner.

From: ANT_THOMAS 3 Feb 2016 09:23
To: fixrman 169 of 177
Too liberal in what sense?
From: fixrman 4 Feb 2016 03:45
To: ANT_THOMAS 170 of 177
Come on, man. California.
From: ANT_THOMAS 4 Feb 2016 08:05
To: fixrman 171 of 177
Come on, man. Explain.
From: fixrman 9 Feb 2016 03:40
To: ANT_THOMAS 172 of 177
It's California. What else is there to explain? CA is like cereal: Out there, what ain't fruits and nuts is flakes.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 9 Feb 2016 19:10
To: fixrman 173 of 177
Sugar Puffs, Coco Pops, Lucky Charms, Start.
From: Manthorp10 Feb 2016 01:47
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 174 of 177
I blame the fucking crumpets.
From: fixrman10 Feb 2016 03:53
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 175 of 177
They're terrible for you.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Feb 2016 22:03
To: fixrman 176 of 177
You're terrible for you.
From: fixrman11 Feb 2016 03:58
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 177 of 177