Computer reboot

From: koswix 2 Feb 2014 22:39
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 42 of 49
Don't worry, I'll send him my latest student bursary statement to cheer him up.
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 2 Feb 2014 22:54
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 43 of 49
It seems they are genuine keys that will pass activation but not keys that are meant for distribution, so not quite sure how they get hold of them but they shouldn't be sold. I'll pass then.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 2 Feb 2014 23:03
To: koswix 44 of 49
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 3 Feb 2014 00:11
To: ALL45 of 49
I've just got it running in VMware Player and I'm really not sure what I think of it. I actually quite like the look of the new flat UI and the new, non desktop apps, even though they really don't seem suited to a desktop computer. I can see them working well and looking nice on a touch device.

I am finding it very confusing where I am in the UI, and whether I will be loading a full desktop or metro (is that what they are called?) app. I don't like the charms and task lists popping up, and not being able to switch between metro apps without the popup list. 

It was only a quick go but it all feels a little disjointed and not quite sure what it's meant to be doing. I'm sure a lot of it works great on a Surface but I think I will be reinstalling 7 instead, even though I would like to keep playing with it and like it.
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 3 Feb 2014 00:46
To: ALL46 of 49
I do quite like the new task manager though, and that it shows the disk activity. Hmm, maybe, just maybe I could get used to all this if I play with it some more. And probably get rid of the new start menu to make things easier. I can't see me ever using the metro apps.
From: Radio 3 Feb 2014 07:37
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 47 of 49
That's the thing, the Metro apps /are/ really weird on a desktop, but I can't remember the last time I used one. I've certainly not used them other than to see if they're any good (which they've not been).
But none of that matters, because you never see them. Ten minutes mucking around with the start menu, and they're all hidden, and that's on the very rare occasions when I find myself in the start menu/screen anyway.
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 3 Feb 2014 09:56
To: Radio 48 of 49
Yeah, I installed the Start8 trial last night, disabled the hot spots in the corners, and it really didn't seem much different to Windows 7 then.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 3 Feb 2014 10:11
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 49 of 49
That's the thing, the Metro apps /are/ really weird on a desktop, but I can't remember the last time I used one. I've certainly not used them other than to see if they're any good (which they've not been).
But none of that matters, because you never see them. Ten minutes mucking around with the start menu, and they're all hidden, and that's on the very rare occasions when I find myself in the start menu/screen anyway.

You'll probably want to install 'normal' apps for the likes of image/PDF viewing and associate them with the file types (W8 associates the metro apps by default). Oh, and kick Bing in the goolies and righteously stamp on its head.
I remember the first time that I installed W8, opened IE and though WTF is everything upside down? And why Bing?