Any Must Have Android Apps?

From: cynicoid29 Dec 2013 18:10
To: ANT_THOMAS 22 of 30
You'll be glad of all that money and XP very soon ! Some of the cars are very expensive, the upgrades even more so. And you won't be able to complete series without certain cars and upgrades.

Although having lots of money/xp at the start takes away the challenge, more fun if you start from scratch.
From: ANT_THOMAS29 Dec 2013 18:18
To: cynicoid 23 of 30
Maybe I also need to turn off the driver assists
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)30 Dec 2013 04:28
To: ANT_THOMAS 24 of 30
Message 40845.25 was deleted
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)30 Dec 2013 10:06
To: milko 26 of 30
Ooh, our groceries looks good, I'll nab that suggestion; I use BusCountdownPro, it's pretty much the same thing though I guess. I also use JourneyPro, but it's less accurate than the National Rail mobile site :( 

Google Authenticator
VIP Access (for Paypal and fleabay)
Steam (to pick up cheap games that I'll probably never play)
From: koswix30 Dec 2013 10:51
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 27 of 30
Won't install :-(
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)30 Dec 2013 14:09
To: koswix 28 of 30
Odd. S'fine here.
From: koswix30 Dec 2013 19:44
To: koswix 29 of 30
It tries but fails. Looks pretty, too :-(
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)31 Dec 2013 06:24
To: koswix 30 of 30
Well, it's a bit of a rubbish game but it's ok by tablet standards. Certainly wouldn't have paid any more than nothing for it.