Xbox One

From: Radio19 Oct 2013 15:05
To: ALL1 of 9
So, I went to one of the Game lockin thingies, it's not like there's much else going on on a Tuesday night, and it was quite good.
A little underwhelming, as the 'next' generation isn't the same sort of leap that we've seen before. The games effectively looked like pretty xbox360 games.
Certainly, if you weren't convinced before, I don't think you would have been by having a hands-on.

Still, I wanted one before, and I still do. I'm just not pre-ordering, and will see how sales go before I make a decision.

The controller was different to what I was expecting. Noticeably smaller, and a lot lighter. They've not just moved the battery inside the controller, it feels like they took away the battery pack altogether.
The rumble effects on the triggers were good too, with Forza 5 using them to simulate ABS rumbling.

Dead Rising 3 was the biggest surprise though, genuine, mindless fun. I think everyone enjoyed that the most. Quite impressive the number of zombies on screen at any one time too.

Oh, and I broke it at one point, which I enjoyed.
From: af (CAER)21 Oct 2013 12:10
To: Radio 2 of 9
I don't think we're going to see significant improvement in graphics until a couple of years into the cycle. 'Twas ever thus (maybe).
From: koswix21 Oct 2013 20:08
To: Radio 3 of 9
I'll probably get one eventually*.

*Once Jim's had his dirty little way with it.
From: ANT_THOMAS21 Oct 2013 20:14
To: koswix 4 of 9
Could do with looking into doing stuff with my 360 but sure I can't JTAG it.

I did buy that specific parallel port card ages ago.
From: koswix21 Oct 2013 20:16
To: ANT_THOMAS 5 of 9
I have an RROD 360 that I've never got round to fixing, idea was to fix it and an JTAG it. I really should get on with it.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)22 Oct 2013 08:12
To: ALL6 of 9
It only took 3 years but the PS3 has finally outsold the 360.  Last month was the first time that it's happened, and I find that pretty amazing.  Many are saying it's because Sony had a bundle with GTA5 or something.  And I guess it wasn't worldwide, just here, so meh.
From: Radio22 Oct 2013 12:56
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 7 of 9
Do you mean finally outsold on a monthly basis? Or finally outsold overall? Both of them would have been before this month, as wikipedia has 78 million units sold in March for PS3 and 78 million units sold in June for X360. For PS3 to catchup, it must have been outselling the xbox for a number of months.

Still, given the margins, the 'winner' is meaningless. What's important is that we had good competition between the two, with no outright winner other than us gameplayers.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)22 Oct 2013 14:06
To: Radio 8 of 9
On a monthly basis.
From: Radio22 Oct 2013 19:34
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 9 of 9
Well, it took over 3 years - 44 months apparently. December 2009 was the last time PS3 outsold 360 in 'Merka.