Free Pi

From: Radio20 Mar 2013 20:37
To: ANT_THOMAS 10 of 17
Reading around, seems ie needs a plugin, so I'm probably lucky I can do as much as I can on the ipad.
Also found out that you have to be root to assign ports lower than 1024, and motion runs as its own user, not root.
Got port forwarding sorted though, so can view the stream from anywhere now.
From: Radio21 Mar 2013 19:27
To: ALL11 of 17
Hmmm - my SSH sessions are no longer working.
My stream is fine - currently doing a self-portrait at
But trying to SSH in using my ipad (which I was using all last night) fails, and trying a new connection with WinSCP or Putty from my desktop also fails.
What have I screwed up, and how?
From: Radio21 Mar 2013 19:28
To: ALL12 of 17
Oh, and pinging 192....71 gives me that the destination host at 192.....73 is unavailable - why has it changed 71 to 73?
From: ANT_THOMAS21 Mar 2013 19:28
To: Radio 13 of 17
Tried rebooting it?
From: ANT_THOMAS21 Mar 2013 19:29
To: Radio 14 of 17
73 will probably be the IP of what you're pinging from.

Eg... there is no ".2" on my network..

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from Destination host unreachable.

My laptop is ".102"
EDITED: 21 Mar 2013 19:29 by ANT_THOMAS
From: Radio21 Mar 2013 19:35
To: ANT_THOMAS 15 of 17
Didn't really want to do a dirty shutdown if I could avoid it, but yeah, done now.
Yep, the IP is indeed my Win8 IP.
From: Radio21 Mar 2013 19:36
To: Radio 16 of 17
And the reboot worked - turn it off and on again, oldest solution in the book...
From: ANT_THOMAS21 Mar 2013 19:40
To: Radio 17 of 17
The Pi does have some USB/Networking issues (the networking runs on the USB bus). I know one of mine sealed up in a box outside occasionally loses its network for some reason. I have that Pi set to reboot every 2 hours as a work around but recently I also made a script to check if the network is down, if it is it reboots the Pi.

In my case there was no network traffic in either direction but yours seems to be able to transfer out.