Video missing from memory card

From: Radio17 Dec 2012 08:54
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 4 of 7
Any of those available on a free trial or jim basis?
From: Chris (CHRISSS)17 Dec 2012 08:59
To: Radio 5 of 7
Looks like Photorec is free but the other one you could borrow off Jim if the first dones't work.
EDITED: 17 Dec 2012 09:01 by CHRISSS
From: Dave!!17 Dec 2012 11:56
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 6 of 7
You can also try Recuva. That's good at retrieving things (even from formatted media) and is legally free as well.
From: ANT_THOMAS18 Dec 2012 21:16
To: ALL7 of 7
Well for some reason trying to copy everything off my old phones memory card has caused it to fuck up. Photorec is now trying to recover whatever it can.