
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)22 Nov 2012 17:46
To: ANT_THOMAS 16 of 36
What kind of router do you have?  With the new Asus routers (maybe new isn't the right word), with some Asus routers, like mine, you can connect an external drive and host it.  Asus also offers some cloud storage. Without looking I can't remember what you said the reason was for wanting to upload them and not put them on your server, but I can't imagine it's bandwidth because you're still uploading them.  So even if you're not using an Asus router, and if your router has usb ports you can install Tomato USB and host from there.  Just an idea...
From: ANT_THOMAS22 Nov 2012 17:53
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 17 of 36
It is bandwidth at my end. My upload pipe isn't fat enough for proper hosting.

Uploading a single (or a few) images every 20 seconds is fine. But having a number of people requesting said images every 20 seconds isn't.

Anyway, I'm using that free service I linked to up there for the time being, hopefully it's not too shit.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)22 Nov 2012 17:55
To: ANT_THOMAS 18 of 36
I must have missed that post, I'll check it out.  What is your upload speed?
From: ANT_THOMAS22 Nov 2012 17:55
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 19 of 36
~600 kbps
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)22 Nov 2012 17:57
To: ANT_THOMAS 20 of 36
Ah yeah, that's not going to cut it is it?

So the is where you're putting them now?  Seems to work just fine!

And hey, it's raining and dark, it certainly shouldn't be dark this time of day!
From: ANT_THOMAS22 Nov 2012 17:59
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 21 of 36
No. is my proper hosting. The page is hosted there but the images are on the spare hosting.

The spare hosting with 100GB bandwidth is
From: ANT_THOMAS22 Nov 2012 17:59
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 22 of 36
Pitch black outside and it's just started chucking it down. Nice walk home from work for me :((
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)22 Nov 2012 18:03
To: ANT_THOMAS 23 of 36
Ah I see.  I'm pretty sure that DP doesn't have any bandwidth limit, so you could probably do the same thing with your public folder.

This time of year is depressing enough without pitch black AND rain.  I'd probably eat a gun barrel.

*And I just realized it is about time for darkness over there, I was forgetting it was 5 hours ahead of me AND almost December.  Dark at
From: ANT_THOMAS24 Nov 2012 03:25
To: ALL24 of 36
It's now outside and powered using a hacked up PoE effort
From: Matt24 Nov 2012 12:18
To: ANT_THOMAS 25 of 36
Good stuff.

I might do something similar with my Pi, seeing as it's not really all that cut-out for use as a HTPC just yet, especially playing a lot of HD content.
From: patch24 Nov 2012 13:03
To: Matt 26 of 36
It really isn't, is it?

Well, actually, I've only tried a few .mkvs on mine, and it hasn't really had too many problems. It's just that RaspBMC just doesn't work too smoothly. That's the problem with using beta software, I suppose.
From: Matt24 Nov 2012 13:26
To: patch 27 of 36
It plays the Big Buck Bunny 1080p MKV fine, just like it did when they first showed off XBMC on RaspberryPi all them moons again, but a large number of TV releases I've tried just don't cut it. The biggest problem I seem to have with mine is with audio sync. I wouldn't mine if it was predictably always out by the same amount, I could adjust XBMC to delay the audio, but it's not.

I don't pretend to understand what the problem is, I guess the TV release community isn't as stringent with their encoding as the Buck Bunny guys were.

XBMC 12.0 Frodo has just entered beta 1 and has official Raspberry Pi support. I might try that, see if it fairs any better than RaspBMC.
EDITED: 24 Nov 2012 13:28 by MATT
From: ANT_THOMAS24 Nov 2012 13:32
To: Matt 28 of 36
Exactly. I've got two separate systems for HTPCs running XBMC and the RPi really doesn't cut it compared to them and I mainly watch live TV and I don't think the RPi is any good at deinterlacing.

Webcam was my best idea. Now just need some helium and some balloons!
From: Dan (HERMAND)24 Nov 2012 13:42
To: ALL29 of 36
I don't reget buying my Pi, but it is currently sat behind the TV until I work out something fun for it.
From: ANT_THOMAS24 Nov 2012 13:59
To: Dan (HERMAND) 30 of 36
Me either, though I kinda wish I had waited and got the 512MB version.

I've got the very first revision that has a few issues and there's been a few board changes since to improve stability and possible power issues.
From: Dan (HERMAND)24 Nov 2012 14:27
To: ANT_THOMAS 31 of 36
Yeah, mine isn't great either, though I think it may be more to do with the SD card. For example, last time I booted it, it was running Raspbmc fine. I turned it on (thanks to this thread) and it's done an auto update and it's now failed saying it can't mount the FS :(
From: Dan (HERMAND)24 Nov 2012 14:31
To: Dan (HERMAND) 32 of 36
Oh and my friend has my keyboard and mouse...
From: Dan (HERMAND)24 Nov 2012 15:34
To: ALL33 of 36
Oh, epic - lastest version of Raspbmc enables the web interface by default. Download installer tool, copy files to SD card, boot up, let it download and install and then when it finally comes up to XBMC take note of your DHCP IP address which pops up in the bottom right.

Browse to said IP and you can remote control etc - job done!
From: patch24 Nov 2012 16:09
To: Dan (HERMAND) 34 of 36
When I tried the official XBMC Andoroid remote control wouldn't work with RaspBMC for <technical reasons that I didn't care enough about to read>. Is it working again, or are you using a physical remote control?
From: Dan (HERMAND)24 Nov 2012 17:28
To: patch 35 of 36
No, I just meant using the web based remote. It's clunky, but it works enough