PHP Wizards

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)19 Apr 2011 14:16
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 24 of 101
Woohoo! (woot)
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)19 Apr 2011 14:19
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 25 of 101

Now to figure out how this math is being applied and get this shit working!


I really enjoy coding, but don't get to do it very often anymore. I'm sure glad I held on to my CF books. I bet it's been 5 years since I've coded any CF. But it's kind of like riding a bike.


I don't know about you, but I think it's a very easy language and it just makes sense to me. PHP is kinda like it, but I have more trouble with it for some reason.

From: ANT_THOMAS19 Apr 2011 15:05
To: ALL26 of 101
SHIELDSIT and Peeb sitting in a tree...
From: steve19 Apr 2011 15:12
To: ANT_THOMAS 27 of 101
C O D... I N G :C
From: af (CAER)19 Apr 2011 15:14
To: steve 28 of 101
P R O Gramm I N G?
From: steve19 Apr 2011 15:15
To: af (CAER) 29 of 101
G E E K I N G (dance)
From: af (CAER)19 Apr 2011 15:16
To: steve 30 of 101
From: steve19 Apr 2011 15:17
To: af (CAER) 31 of 101


From: af (CAER)19 Apr 2011 15:19
To: steve 32 of 101
I think that actually works better :$
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)19 Apr 2011 15:23
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 33 of 101

Well I started with PHP so it's a bit different - actually, I think I started with ASP but gave up on that almost straight away - but yeah, when I stumbled upon CF in 2002, after a couple of years of doing PHP, I switched over pretty quickly. It's just makes more sense and is easier to get on with.


Railo goes a step further, adding cool improvements, and (as a company) being far more interactive with the community than Adobe (which isn't surprising; Adobe only really cares about Photoshop/Flash/PDFs/etc, and mostly treats CF as a big cash cow).


Anyway... (kiss)

EDITED: 19 Apr 2011 15:23 by BOUGHTONP
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)19 Apr 2011 15:46
To: ALL34 of 101

You guys are terrible!

From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)19 Apr 2011 16:41
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 35 of 101



I am so pumped. I have the first form automated. That will save so much time it's unreal. There is so much room for process improvement here and this is going to be a big part of it!


Using CF I was able to grab the variables I needed that somehow eluded me using PHP.


Thanks Pete for making me aware of Railo!

From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)19 Apr 2011 18:25
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 36 of 101
You think that first one was bad? This is the one I'm working on now! Un-Fucking-Real!

SELECT * FROM ProductionHeader WHERE ruhID='041811BD'; SELECT ID=rudID, Category=rudCategory, Seq=rudSeq, Type=rudType, [Product ID]=rudProductID, Description=rudDescrip, 
PcsPerPkg=rudPcsPerPkg, Tally=rudTally, UOM=rudBaseUnitID, Pieces=rudPieces, Volume=rudVolume, NetVolume=rudNetVolume, Cost=rudCost, AddedCost= rudAddedCost, MktValue=rudMarketValue, 
Total=rudTotal, NetThick=rudNetThick, NetWidth=rudNetWidth, NetLength=rudNetLength, NetType=rudVolType, LocationID=rudLocationID,rudFIFOVolume,rudForceCost,rudBoomID,prdLengthID=(SELECT prdLengthID FROM ProductMaster 
WHERE prdID=rudProductID) FROM ProductionDetail WHERE rudID='041811BD' AND rudCategory='Consumed' ORDER BY Seq; SELECT ID=rudID, Category=rudCategory, Seq=rudSeq, Type=rudType, [Product ID]=rudProductID, Description=rudDescrip, 
PcsPerPkg=rudPcsPerPkg, Tally=rudTally, UOM=rudBaseUnitID, Pieces=rudPieces, Volume=rudVolume, NetVolume=rudNetVolume, Cost=rudCost, AddedCost= rudAddedCost, MktValue=rudMarketValue, Total=rudTotal, NetThick=rudNetThick, 
NetWidth=rudNetWidth, NetLength=rudNetLength, NetType=rudVolType, LocationID=rudLocationID,rudFIFOVolume,rudForceCost,rudBoomID,prdLengthID=(SELECT prdLengthID FROM ProductMaster WHERE prdID=rudProductID) 
FROM ProductionDetail WHERE rudID='041811BD' AND rudCategory='Produced' ORDER BY Seq; SELECT uft.uftDocId, uft.uftFieldType, uft.uftValidation, Description = uft.uftCaption, Value = duf.dufValue FROM UserFieldTemplate uft 
LEFT JOIN DocumentUserFields duf ON duf.dufDocType = uft.uftDocType AND duf.dufSeq = uft.uftDocId AND duf.dufDocId='041811BD' WHERE uft.uftDocType='PRODUCTION' ORDER BY uft.uftDocId; SELECT ufvDocId, ufvSeq, Value=ufvValue, 
Description=ufvDescrip FROM UserFieldValues WHERE ufvDocType='PRODUCTION' ORDER BY ufvDocId, ufvSeq; SELECT dufDocType, dufDocID, dufSeq, dufValue FROM DocumentUserFields WHERE 1=0; SELECT *  
,tagParentProdID=ISNULL((SELECT MAX(p2.prdID) FROM ProductMaster p2 WHERE p1.prdThickID=p2.prdThickID AND ((isnull(p2.prdWidthID,'')='' AND isnull(tagHdrWidthID,'')='') or isnull(p2.prdWidthID,'')=tagHdrWidthID) 
AND ISNULL(p2.prdLengthID,'') = ISNULL(p1.prdLengthID,'') AND p1.prdSpeciesID=p2.prdSpeciesID AND p1.prdGradeID=p2.prdGradeID AND p1.prdSurfacingID=p2.prdSurfacingID  AND p1.prdStateID=p2.prdStateID 
AND ISNULL(p1.prdUsrAttribID,'')=ISNULL(p2.prdUsrAttribID,'') AND ISNULL(p1.prdUsrAttribID2,'')=ISNULL(p2.prdUsrAttribID2,'') AND ISNULL(p1.prdUsrAttribID3,'')=ISNULL(p2.prdUsrAttribID3,'')  
AND ISNULL(p1.prdUsrAttribID4,'')=ISNULL(p2.prdUsrAttribID4,'') AND ISNULL(p1.prdUsrAttribID5,'')=ISNULL(p2.prdUsrAttribID5,'')  AND ISNULL(p1.prdUsrAttribID6,'')=ISNULL(p2.prdUsrAttribID6,'') 
AND ISNULL(p1.prdUsrAttribID7,'')=ISNULL(p2.prdUsrAttribID7,'')  AND ISNULL(p1.prdUsrAttribID8,'')=ISNULL(p2.prdUsrAttribID8,'') AND ISNULL(p1.prdUsrAttribID9,'')=ISNULL(p2.prdUsrAttribID9,'')  
AND p1.prdHidden=1),p1.prdID) FROM TagMaster INNER JOIN ProductMaster p1 ON p1.prdID=tagProductID WHERE tagSourceID='041811BD' AND tagSourceType='PRODUCTION' ORDER BY tagID,tagLineSeq; 
SELECT ProductID=rudProductID, LocationID=rudLocationID, Volume=SUM(rudVolume), Type=rudType FROM ProductionDetail WHERE rudID='041811BD' AND rudProductID<>'' AND rudCategory='Produced' 
AND rudType='Vol' GROUP BY rudProductID, rudLocationID, rudType; SELECT ProductID=rudProductID, LocationID=rudLocationID, Value=SUM(rudTotal), Type=rudType, rudCategory FROM ProductionDetail 
WHERE rudID='041811BD' AND rudProductID<>'' GROUP BY rudProductID, rudLocationID, rudType, rudCategory; SELECT 1 FROM DocumentNotesMaster WHERE dnmDocType='PRODUCTION' AND dnmDocID='041811BD'; 
SELECT DocType=dcmDocType, DocID=dcmDocID, Seq=dcmSeq, Type=dcmCostTypeID, Description=dcmDescrip, MachineID=dcmMachineID, SuppID=dcmSuppID,FundsID=dcmFundsTypeID, FundsRate=dcmFundsRate, Qty=dcmQty, 
CostRate=dcmRateID, Total=dcmTotal, Prorate=dcmProrate, ProductID=dcmProductID, [LineNo]=dcmLineNo FROM DocumentCostMaster WHERE dcmDocType='PRODUCTION' AND dcmDocID='041811BD' ORDER BY dcmSeq
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)19 Apr 2011 19:06
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 37 of 101
Any idea how their software does the above SELECT Statement and it's what I captured on the SQL Server but when I try to execute it outside of their software it tells me these aren't defined?
=ISNULL(p2.prdUsrAttribID,'') AND ISNULL(p1.prdUsrAttribID2,'')=ISNULL(p2.prdUsrAttribID2,'') AND ISNULL(p1.prdUsrAttribID3,'')=ISNULL(p2.prdUsrAttribID3,'')  
AND ISNULL(p1.prdUsrAttribID4,'')=ISNULL(p2.prdUsrAttribID4,'') AND ISNULL(p1.prdUsrAttribID5,'')=ISNULL(p2.prdUsrAttribID5,'')  AND ISNULL(p1.prdUsrAttribID6,'')=ISNULL(p2.prdUsrAttribID6,'') 
AND ISNULL(p1.prdUsrAttribID7,'')=ISNULL(p2.prdUsrAttribID7,'')  AND ISNULL(p1.prdUsrAttribID8,'')=ISNULL(p2.prdUsrAttribID8,'') AND ISNULL(p1.prdUsrAttribID9,'')=ISNULL(p2.prdUsrAttribID9,'')
EDITED: 19 Apr 2011 19:06 by SHIELDSIT
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)19 Apr 2011 19:17
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 38 of 101
Disregard, I have that mother fucker working!
From: af (CAER)20 Apr 2011 09:45
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 39 of 101
This is why I like ORMs.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)20 Apr 2011 11:50
To: af (CAER) 40 of 101
What's ORMs?
From: af (CAER)20 Apr 2011 11:51
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 41 of 101
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)20 Apr 2011 11:59
To: af (CAER) 42 of 101
I don't think I'm smart enough for that. OO confuses the hell out of me. That's why I stick with a BASIC like language that flows from top to bottom!
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)20 Apr 2011 12:00
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 43 of 101
ORM is a way for people doing things wrong to make it easier to keep doing things wrongly. :P