EPUB validation trouble

From: FSkeltonshead (FRANCIS SKELTON) 4 Apr 2011 22:25
To: ALL1 of 28

Dear Tehs
One of your number has suggested you may be able to help me with (GODDAMNED!) Epub coding.


I have a couple of questions:


Can anyone suggest any good sources of info for translating error messages relating to validation errors?


Does anyone know of a tool that is more helpful than Epubchecker at identifying the route causes of validation errors? Like something that highlights them: a wysiwyg validation tool.


I am near my wits end. Here is a little movie about my plight - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBGVO5Q-u4A



EDITED: 4 Apr 2011 22:27 by FRANCIS SKELTON
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 5 Apr 2011 02:15
To: FSkeltonshead (FRANCIS SKELTON) 2 of 28

Wish I could help but I can't.


But on the bright side, that movie about made me piss myself! Good job with that one!

From: FSkeltonshead (FRANCIS SKELTON) 5 Apr 2011 07:40
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 3 of 28
Glad you liked it. Hope you didn't get any on your keyboard.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 5 Apr 2011 09:56
To: FSkeltonshead (FRANCIS SKELTON) 4 of 28

Hello! Welcome! Tea?


I know nothing about EPUB validation, but quite a lot about pub validation (how good the beers are, ease of getting tables, whether the toilets are comfortable enough to get a decent night's sleep in, that kind of thing).

Message 38352.5 was deleted
From: milko 5 Apr 2011 10:14
To: FSkeltonshead (FRANCIS SKELTON) 6 of 28
Have you tried Sigil? I don't know anything about this but your effort of making a film made me look and apparently this is wysiwyg and recently got validation built into it. http://code.google.com/p/sigil/downloads/list
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 5 Apr 2011 10:48
To: FSkeltonshead (FRANCIS SKELTON) 7 of 28
I don't know anything about epub but I enjoyed your video enormoussssly (y,j).

<makes a nice cup of ceylon and a slice of chocolate fudgecake for Frank>
From: FSkeltonshead (FRANCIS SKELTON) 5 Apr 2011 19:57
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 8 of 28

Oh yeah?


Impress me with your pub knowledge.


Name the three greatest beers in the world (this is a trick question).


Name two good pubs in the centre of Manchester.


What is the other colour of Newcastle Ale?


Where is your favourite pub and why?


Bring it.

From: FSkeltonshead (FRANCIS SKELTON) 5 Apr 2011 19:58
To: milko 9 of 28

Good tip.


I am already looking at this but I don't know that I have the most recent with validation. I will look at this next.


Cheers ya fucka.

From: FSkeltonshead (FRANCIS SKELTON) 5 Apr 2011 19:59
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 10 of 28

I hope to do more of them.


If you like my line of shite have a look at www.skeltonshead.com and let me know what you think.



From: FSkeltonshead (FRANCIS SKELTON) 5 Apr 2011 20:00
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 11 of 28
Thanks about video.
From: ANT_THOMAS 5 Apr 2011 20:44
To: FSkeltonshead (FRANCIS SKELTON) 12 of 28
I'd like to know the good pubs in Manchester answer. I should know it but don't. Maybe the Marble Arch for its range of beer and nice food, it's not quite centre though.
From: koswix 5 Apr 2011 20:46
To: ANT_THOMAS 13 of 28
There's a decent ale pub down a side street somewhere in the centre. I've only ever been there pissed though, so no idea how to find it or what it's called :$
EDITED: 5 Apr 2011 20:47 by KOSWIX
From: ANT_THOMAS 5 Apr 2011 20:46
To: koswix 14 of 28
No name?
From: koswix 5 Apr 2011 20:47
To: ANT_THOMAS 15 of 28
From: DrBoff (BOFF) 5 Apr 2011 20:55
To: koswix 16 of 28
Did you buy a hat?
From: koswix 5 Apr 2011 21:00
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 17 of 28
Not on that occasion. I feel hat buying is best accompanied by yorkshire pudding eating.
From: ANT_THOMAS 5 Apr 2011 21:09
To: koswix 18 of 28
I really can't :$
From: koswix 5 Apr 2011 21:16
To: ANT_THOMAS 19 of 28
{{{secret post editting}}}
From: ANT_THOMAS 5 Apr 2011 21:17
To: koswix 20 of 28