Website advice

From: steve16 Mar 2011 16:25
To: milko 11 of 73
A Java-applet 3D clock would look pretty hot with those.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)16 Mar 2011 16:45
To: steve 12 of 73
bad man!
From: steve16 Mar 2011 16:47
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 13 of 73
And scrolling status bar text :D
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)16 Mar 2011 16:53
To: milko 14 of 73
That is class and very professional looking!
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)16 Mar 2011 16:56
To: steve 15 of 73
stop it /now/! :@
From: PNCOOL16 Mar 2011 19:54
To: steve 16 of 73
You forgot the hit counter.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)16 Mar 2011 20:57
To: PNCOOL 17 of 73
Which leg was it that you broke recently?
From: af (CAER)16 Mar 2011 23:59
To: steve 18 of 73
It could do with a "Best viewed in Internet Explorer 4 at 800x600 resolution" thing, too, I reckon. And possibly a "Made with Dreamweaver" banner.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)17 Mar 2011 00:19
To: af (CAER) 19 of 73
*Made with MS FrontPage.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)17 Mar 2011 00:26
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 20 of 73
*Made with HotMetal Pro.
From: steve17 Mar 2011 00:39
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 21 of 73
*MS Frontpage express

From: steve17 Mar 2011 00:40
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 22 of 73
Or even worse...

Gunsoft SiteScribbler v2

When I used to churn out freeware software aged 14 (giggle)
From: steve17 Mar 2011 00:41
To: steve 23 of 73
You'll notice that I preempted Microsoft's ribbon menus by a good few years :Y
From: af (CAER)17 Mar 2011 10:39
To: steve 24 of 73
I like the purple gradient on the TABLE WIZARD dialog :D
From: PNCOOL18 Mar 2011 17:50
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 25 of 73
Haha, the right one... and my page counter says I've broken it precisely 00001 times :-Y
From: Aurora18 Mar 2011 22:32
To: ALL26 of 73

Forget DreamWeaver and go with WordPress so that the site can be maintained by the client.  Unless you wish to be bothered without payment by your relative you can offload maintenance and changes to the client with WordPress.

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)19 Mar 2011 01:19
To: Aurora 27 of 73

Or joomla (haven't tried wordpress).


I dunno. For a 'flat' site that is unlikely to be updated very often, a cms could be overkill by a factor of 10,000.


"bothered without payment" this is the key, isn't it?


Somehow, the non-paying relative's priorities are always eclipsed by more rewarding pastimes, like watching tv in your underwear...

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)19 Mar 2011 01:29
Why have you got Aurora's underwear?
From: Mouse19 Mar 2011 09:39
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 29 of 73
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)20 Mar 2011 23:15
To: ALL30 of 73

Well that was a week from hell! Started treatment on Monday for my kidney disease (Steroids for 1 month, then Chemo drugs for 1 month, rinse and repeat for 6 months, which is nice) The steroid treatment has buggered up my blood levels so ended up in hospital from Monday to Friday at various times of the day.
Oh and I seem to be getting roid rage, especially when driving and at work, its like being on coke but without the happy buzz, really, really horrible.


Anyway, I managed to sit down for a few hours tonight to start this bloody site (wish I said no now)


Be gentle, its not like I am at all skilled in anyway at this sort of thing. The site template is ripped from a pre made and bashed around a lot by me, I even created new images for the title and back ground (Can you tell?) The site needs nothing whizzy, just the basic info about the salon so I think I have created a good looking simple design to work with. And no animated GIFS anywhere!


I still don't know how I want to display the price list but I want something easily editable for quick updating.


So tips and advice please teh!

EDITED: 20 Mar 2011 23:21 by SLAYERPUNX