
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Dec 2010 15:44
To: koswix 22 of 30
That's also a word one could use.
From: steve10 Dec 2010 15:53
To: Matt 23 of 30
It is indeed Sagepay. To be fair, only one order failed and my beautiful bespoke checkout system can capture Sagepay errors and alert me (and the customer via email).

Today has been fine, which is surprising as most of my orders are via Visa.

And I am sad that there is a war against me. I didn't even get to blow anything up :'S
From: ANT_THOMAS10 Dec 2010 15:58
To: steve 24 of 30
I'm guessing most stuff is Visa Debit these days since I think a lot of banks have gone to Visa from Maestro.
From: Manthorp10 Dec 2010 17:07
To: steve 25 of 30
You could blow up a balloon.
From: koswix10 Dec 2010 17:11
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 26 of 30

Your 'also' implies that trustable was used correctly.


If something is trustable it is capable of being placed in trust - like when an historic building is gifted to the National Trust for safekeeping.


You actually asked if the new/other organisations were capable of being put in trust [in a rather awkward and Americanised/Business Speak way], rather than what I suspect you thought you were saying, that you wondered if it was wise to place ones trust in them.

From: steve10 Dec 2010 17:13
To: Manthorp 27 of 30
I can't blow up balloons :(

Unless previous filled with nitrous oxide :$
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)12 Dec 2010 16:46
To: ALL28 of 30
EDITED: 22 Dec 2012 17:20 by DSMITHHFX
From: ANT_THOMAS12 Dec 2010 18:00
Poor effort, The "FAIL" isn't even in the middle.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)12 Dec 2010 18:52
To: ANT_THOMAS 30 of 30