From: JonCooper10 Aug 2008 09:54
To: patch 11 of 48
ah, you appear to be correct
and his (current) sig isn't so garish and intrusive, I'm not going to ignore this one
Message 34813.12 was deleted
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)10 Aug 2008 22:14
To: Al JunioR (53NORTH) 13 of 48
I hope I've long gone before I use the F word at any body trying to start a discussion with a post marked 'to all'.

Not wishing to be pedantic, but he used it /about/ you to another long-standing member, with whom he may have a relationship that is beyond your ken. Or something.
From: JonCooper11 Aug 2008 09:08
To: Al JunioR (53NORTH) 14 of 48
never mind?

do you see the problem here?
you post a cryptic opening post, with a link that explains everything
but the link's not there, so nothing is explained
then you get arsey cos "no-one understands your style"

seriously, you DO post some very interesting stuff
but you do it in such a way as to just annoy a lot of people
From: william11 Aug 2008 09:49
To: JonCooper 15 of 48
To be honest, Jon, I'm having some difficulty understanding why 0West is attracting so much flack.

He's posted a fair bit, and I can see, perfectly well why some of the posts have irritated some people. Then again there are plenty of irritating posts, probably a fair few from me, which haven't been jumped on so harshly.

I can see that you are saying it as you see it, and also trying to be fair and pour some oil on troubled waters, but I don't see the history of the thread in quite the same way as you describe it. It wasn't that 0West got arsey straight after his initial posting, he got arsey after being told, obliquely and not to himself directly, to "shut the fuck up."

Neither have his replies been in the same vein as the criticism. They seem to have ranged from conciliatory to attempts to take the posts in good spirit, with only the occasional indication of irritation himself.

As always, things are never conveniently simple and straightforward. I think X3N is a thoroughly decent person and probably thought better of his post straight away*. But by then it was posted, and in the context of other replies from other people, it must have seemed unwelcoming at least.

Talking ABOUT a forum member in a public forum, rather than to them, strikes me as being potentially unfriendly even if not intended. So 0West, this is to you, hope you do stick around long enough to become acquainted with this very different forum style. Enjoy the tea and cake.

*X3N - if that's not correct, apologies for my presumption.
From: JonCooper11 Aug 2008 10:31
To: william 16 of 48
He has posted a fair bit now, and (as I keep trying to convey) I do find a lot of what he posts quite interesting, the problem (for me) comes from the style, kind of hit-and-run post some link* with little or no explaination or comment .

It reminds me a LOT of how Jim Lynch posts on his forum, it's what he calls "seeding a thread", ie; post something interesting and see how it runs, but we've never done things that way here - and others who've tried it have been called out on it too - this isn't personal to him(53north).

This particular thread may have suffered somewhat from him forgetting the link in the initial post, making it look like he's just rambling about WW3 and Nostradamus.

But, the point stands, people here just don't tend to click on random unexplained links, if he wants a discussion that's great (this place can get a bit dead sometimes) but it's real hard to discuss things with someone who won't tell you their thoughts.

*or, as in this case, forget the link altogether
From: JonCooper11 Aug 2008 10:43
To: william 17 of 48
and, going back to look again,
Z3N didn't just say "shut the fuck up",
he actually said "I'd like him to talk sense or shut the fuck up."
which he immediatly went on to explain in more detail in the next post
"Write about whatever you want, these Nostradamian predictions or whatever, it's cool. But please write in full and coherent sentences. Give your opinion or comment on things. Jokey little posts like this that hint at something while saying nothing are annoying."

which is really all me, patch, and others have been trying to say
From: william11 Aug 2008 12:08
To: JonCooper 18 of 48

Jon, it certainly wasn't my intention to have a go at you and I hope you didn't read my post that way. As far as I can see your responses have always been moderate, polite and to the point. It's just as tricky for me to incorporate a "tone of voice" into what I write as for anyone else, and this is part of the problem.


I know what was written, but it still seems to me that there has been a very rapid escalation in the harshness of responses, which I am struggling to understand in relation to 0West's threads.


As I have said, I can see what irritates people, I have just been surprised by the terms in which some people have chosen to express it and the speed with which those terms have become the usual reply.


For my part, I am neither irritated, nor particularly interested when I see links posted without accompanying thoughts and views (or random and partial thoughts without an accompanying link for that matter).

EDITED: 11 Aug 2008 12:10 by WILLIAM
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)11 Aug 2008 12:20
To: william 19 of 48
You are right.

I did mean it light heartedly rather than aggressively, as I almost always do. But I know that doesn't always come across, especially with new people. I still agree with my sentiment but I should not have put it like that...

...because I agree with you. I don't like people getting on 0West's back. Constructive criticism is fine but the constant sniping isn't.

0West... I apologise for what I said - it was meant more lightly than it came across and I did regret posting it, which is why I followed up. Please don't be offended by my use of the 'f-word', I swear a lot and enjoy it.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)11 Aug 2008 12:29
To: Al JunioR (53NORTH) 20 of 48
For fucks sake I didn't know control+enter posted. I hadn't finished.

0West, I am sorry. The reason I said what I did in my second post is because I like your posts. It just sometimes annoys me (and others it seems) when you say interesting/intriguing things without explaining or commenting. It gives the impression (to me) that you are mor einterested in provoking a (superficial) reaction than discussing stuff. I'm not saying that's your intent, it just seems that way sometimes.

There's an argument here as to how far a user should have to adapt to this place and how much this place should accept a given poster as they are. I think there's probably a happy compromise somewhere in the middle.

I'm sorry if I gave the impression of claiming to speak for the whole forum - I don't, it's up to each member to speak their own mind. What I said was just my personal opinion. I know that, when you're new to a place, it can often appear like any given post represents/intends to represent the view of the place as a whole but that's certainly not the case here.

I'm glad you're here, I find your posts interesting. That's the problem, really - the things you're posting about interest me but there's not enough content to them to provoke actual discussion. Taking this thread as an example, I would prefer you to paste what you've written in your blog into the first post rather than just link - but that's just my preference and you're free to try it that way or to tell me to go f-word myself (hug)

Welcome to the forum. I really do hope you stick around.
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)11 Aug 2008 13:19
To: ALL21 of 48

What this thread needs is a pointless you tube video that people have already seen. Written grammatically incorrect and with a few choice spelling mistakes.


Would you care for me to oblige?


n.b. We all post annoying threads from time to time...

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)11 Aug 2008 13:37
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 22 of 48
Shut the fuck up.
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)11 Aug 2008 14:51
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 23 of 48



(Goes back in the box)

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)11 Aug 2008 14:51
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 24 of 48
From: Rich (RICARD00)11 Aug 2008 16:19
To: william 25 of 48

The thing that annoyed me was his veiled threats to a wealthy neighbour that you'd expect from a juvenile.


Apart from that (which is now dealt with, I think) he's not doing any harm and is certainly not on the scale of Trig.

From: Queeg 500 (JESUSONEEZ)11 Aug 2008 16:27
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 26 of 48
Agree.  S'just polite.  Complete sentences.  Better.  Easier to read.  Less annoying.
From: william11 Aug 2008 18:22
To: Rich (RICARD00) 27 of 48
I could see you were annoyed, but I'm not sure why. I didn't think that 0West was intending to pursue this course of action any more than anybody else issuing wild, vaguely comical threats here intends to. Even if he did/does, it wouldn't be the end of the world.

As for the wealth criticism - again I didn't see any particular reason to be offended, any more than if somebody were to use a throwaway insult such as "that rich bastard" (I assure you the similarity to your name occurred to me a split second after I typed the phrase and is definitely not a refelection of my feelings) about some disliked person.

As it happens, I suspect some very wealthy people are extremely insensitive and unaware of the lives people are leading in their own communities and may well be deserving of their reputations. On the other hand, I'm sure some are very caring, considerate and wonderful.
From: JonCooper11 Aug 2008 18:36
To: william 28 of 48
Nah, I didn't think you were having a go, any more than I was. Just discussing stuff, and having a point of view, which is always good.

Rich; it's all perspective I guess, Trig never annoyed me much, and when he did it was uasually posting random stuff with no personal comment.
From: koswix11 Aug 2008 19:07
To: ALL29 of 48

Stop being so god damn agreeable ffs


Worst argument thread ever :@ :@ :@

From: Manthorp11 Aug 2008 19:18
To: koswix 30 of 48
Fuck off, arsewipe.