She Might Be Dead?

From: MrTrent11 Aug 2007 16:35
To: funky (ISA) 5 of 53
Yep. Left four year old Maddie plus a pair of two year old twins asleep, alone, while they went off to enjoy themselves. They said they checked up on them every 45 mins. My money's on it being every hour at least.

The hotel had a creche and babysitting services available, yet they decided not to use it for some reason.

Fucking disgusting, innit.

What's happened to them is terrible, i can't deny, but it never would have happened if they weren't such shit parents.
From: Bryan (TWISTER)11 Aug 2007 16:39
To: MrTrent 6 of 53
Take note of the size of the "fighting fund". Nearly £1m yesterday.
From: MrTrent11 Aug 2007 16:59
To: Bryan (TWISTER) 7 of 53
And what are they spending it on, exactly? There's the hotel room, which must be a nice one seeing as they point blank refuse to leave it, a few posters. They're not even spending it on their publicity tours and pope visit as i seem to remember some rich cunt letting them use is private jet.

I also remember them saying that this fund was to be used to help find any and all missing children around the world. Something i have yet to see any evidence of, nor has it been mentioned again.

There are many people in this world that i hate. Kate and Gerry McCann are two of them.
From: Bryan (TWISTER)11 Aug 2007 17:47
To: MrTrent 8 of 53
I must admit that they are seriously getting on my nerves.

I am sick of seeing them swan about "looking" for their child.

FFS how many other children have gone missing since (and before) theirs, but getting a fraction (if any at all) press coverage.

That photo on the linky above shows them walking passed a crowd of people waving at the McWotsits as if they are at a film premier or something. (how lone before that actually happens??)

Just out of interest, have either of them given up their "day" jobs yet to search for their child, or are they still drawing their large paychecks? Don't forget he's a consultant something or other and she a GP. So they must be earning a nice little wage.

Oh yes...when can we expect the book, closely followed by the made for TV film?

Don't get me wrong, it is a shame and all that for Maddy, my heart goes out. Weird parental type feelings I thought I would never have till I had my own children. But FFS.
From: JonCooper11 Aug 2007 18:08
To: ALL9 of 53
Robert Murat's lawyer has been saying what many of us have been thinking from the start ~

The lawyer acting for Madeleine McCann kidnap suspect Robert Murat yesterday launched an astonishing attack on the four-year-old’s parents.

In a bitter outburst, Francisco Pagarete insisted locals now just wanted “these bloody McCanns” to leave Portugal and return to Britain.

He criticised the couple for leaving Madeleine and two-year-old twins Sean and Amelie alone during their holiday in the Algarve resort of Praia da Luz, accusing them of “strange behaviour”.

And he hit out at the McCanns for leaving the twins behind during a series of foreign trips to raise awareness of Madeleine’s plight.
if you read it, read the comments section below it as well, support is waning (to say the least)
EDITED: 11 Aug 2007 18:09 by JONCOOPER
From: MrTrent11 Aug 2007 18:09
To: JonCooper 10 of 53
Good for him.
From: MrTrent11 Aug 2007 18:11
To: JonCooper 11 of 53
Mrs McCann pleaded for privacy for the sake of her twins – whose lives, she said, were being disrupted
You fucking started the media circus, love. It's a bit much to complain about it now they've turned on you.
From: Gobfounded (YVE)11 Aug 2007 22:30
To: MrTrent 12 of 53
The twins' lives would be somewhat less disrupted if their parents were there with them.
From: funky (ISA)11 Aug 2007 23:59
To: Bryan (TWISTER) 13 of 53

Well, this kid is very cute, that's probably part of all the press, however sad that may be.


Mr. Trent: I feel the same way, though hate is a strong word for me. I dislike them very much and wish they would have been kidnapped instead and some better relative could have taken and brought up their children.


I feel so angry at these parents that it's extremely difficult to find any kind of sympathy or compassion for them, which is rather odd for me, but there you have it. Bad parenting accounts for much of the crappiest crap of the crap in the world of crap.

From: Linn (INDYLS)12 Aug 2007 01:13
To: ALL14 of 53
Three quarters of the way down the article is a picture of a guy playing bagpipes and an older woman captioned "A piper in Glasgow and Madeleine's grandmother" 

What is that for?!


From: spinning_plates12 Aug 2007 04:17
To: Woggy 15 of 53
Just as in "might be dead"? Might be? They've finally admitted that's a possibility? What kind of investigations were they doing? I should add that it's not funny one way or another if she is dead, it's just all the more ironic that the headline reads that way - I wouldn't want someone to think I found the overall situation funny, hence why I didn't want to name it that.
EDITED: 12 Aug 2007 04:23 by SPINNING_PLATES
From: Bryan (TWISTER)12 Aug 2007 07:42
To: funky (ISA) 16 of 53
What makes it all the worse for me is that these two "parents" are supposedly intelligent people.

He a consultant Doctor and she a GP (General Practitioner (Doctor) for our non British friends)

FFS where actually were their brains????

Have you seen their web site? Linky
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)12 Aug 2007 09:48
To: Linn (INDYLS) 17 of 53

It's the international bagpiping championships in Glasgow just now, which is where her dad's family is from. So I presume it's to do with that.


Or maybe to flush her out, in some kind of inverse pied-piper scenario.

From: koswix12 Aug 2007 11:57
To: Bryan (TWISTER) 18 of 53
Man that fighting fund is looking pretty healthy. Maybe we should have asked them to pay our hosting bill for the next year, seeing as how we have threads on here about Maddy and are therefore looking for her just as hard as they are.
From: Woggy12 Aug 2007 12:08
To: spinning_plates 19 of 53
Ah right. I think she's been dead since day one personally.
Message 32979.20 was deleted
From: Sulkpot12 Aug 2007 12:25
To: ALL21 of 53
Many of you need to learn not to give a fuck. Arrogant taxi driver outrage and man-in-pub speculation is what fuels media interest in a story like this. A better plan would be to just go out and look for the child. The best outcome here would be a found child - dead or alive. Slight preference for alive.
Message 32979.22 was deleted
From: koswix12 Aug 2007 12:48
To: Sulkpot 23 of 53

We were in a taxi the other week and we got stuck in a traffic jam.


The driver said "It's always the same in black areas, they've got too many cars".


I wanted to hang him from a tree, but the others decided refusing to pay him was a better option.

From: Sulkpot12 Aug 2007 12:58
To: koswix 24 of 53
That's offensive on at least two levels. Quite apart from being blithely racist, it's not even funny. Referring as it does to that well-known racial stereotype that black people own more cars than other people (WTF?).