Smart anti-Clinton ad

From: Manthorp20 Mar 2007 16:28
Yes, but look at me. Someday all this horror will be yours.
From: Sulkpot20 Mar 2007 18:01
To: Manthorp 14 of 19

I can see why you like it, and why it is successful as an ad, but it's not good satire. It would be nice if prospective leaders of the free world had something to say about other candidates other than "they're not me". It's not as if it would be difficult to pick up on Hilary's potential problems and make an ad just as slick, but with some seed of wit in it.


And as my appalling racist grandmother, who is still metaphorically alive in the US today, even in the Democratic Party, would say: he's got a touch of the tar brush about him, that man.

From: Manthorp20 Mar 2007 18:16
To: Sulkpot 15 of 19
he's got a touch of the tar brush about him, that man.

But only a touch; which is what gives him a fighting chance at the nomination. He's much more white than black; creepily so.

With regard to the ad, I think it's pitched just right for this early in the campaign: slick and clever, and addressing a very specific and, for the Obama campaign, absolutely bullseye demographic. It just vaguely implies that Clinton is distant, patronising and imperious, picking up on her key presentational flaws.

The specifics will come a lot later. And that's where Obama's campaign managers have to pray that he doesn't have any major skeletons in his cupboard. They don't have to be bigger than Whitewater to knock him off-track: just more salacious or grubby.
From: Sulkpot20 Mar 2007 19:42
To: Manthorp 16 of 19
You are correct, wiseman. But I'm still holding out for Boris Johnson to put his hat into the ring.

"Cripes! Is this thing on? Oh. Hullo, America. Jolly nice day isn't it. Isn't the world an altogether generally pleasant place?"

<Washington asplode />
From: Manthorp20 Mar 2007 20:08
To: Sulkpot 17 of 19
I 'd like to see him putting a hat into his ring. Especially something ambitious like a busby. Now that would be entrtainment.
From: Sulkpot20 Mar 2007 20:27
To: Manthorp 18 of 19
You are a bad man who has spent too much time with Greg, and has forgotten that normal folk can't fit objects like hats or K6 telephone kiosks up their arses.
From: Manthorp20 Mar 2007 20:42
To: Sulkpot 19 of 19
Both of your points are entirely reasonable.