Roadtax petition - PM's response

From: JonCooper21 Feb 2007 10:23
To: Radio 2 of 45

I signed it


unfortunatly I don't belive a word Blair says (though I don't belive for a minute he wrote it)

EDITED: 21 Feb 2007 10:25 by JONCOOPER
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)21 Feb 2007 11:44
To: Radio 3 of 45
Clearly if we decided to move towards a system of national road pricing, there could be a case for moving away from the current system of motoring taxation.

As if.
From: Kriv21 Feb 2007 11:49
To: Radio 4 of 45

But we're already taxed by the mile. Vat on fuel.


It's nothing to do with congestion (or environmental issues, the current buzz word politicians have hooked on to) it's revenue, plain and simple.


They should stop spending money on useless projects like the Millennium Dome and actually focus on the real problem, public transport, or the lack of it.

From: Radio21 Feb 2007 13:05
To: Kriv 5 of 45
They should stop spending money on useless projects like the Millennium Dome

Much as I agree with your sentiments, that particular example is now over 7 years old, so not really fair to use.

Its also a little unfair to blame them for trying to link things in with environmental issues. As part of their job they're supposed to be looking out for our best interests, and the environment is a big issue at the moment - if they didn't say they were doing things to try and tackle it then they'd be targeted even more by the tabloids. As it is, in the great utopian world where this scheme is successful at reducing congestion (or at least minimising the increase) then it will reduce environmental impact too.

But we're already taxed by the mile. Vat on fuel.

If you go along with the whole 'congestion' angle, then this is irrelevant, as the new system isn't so much taxing by the mile, but rather varying the tax per mile based on choice of road and time of day. The real problem is that this ignores the fact that different types of car (4x4's vs SMART cars for example) would be taxed the same amount for the same journey - which flies in the face of the whole environment angle.
From: JonCooper21 Feb 2007 13:23
To: ALL6 of 45
if you belive Tony, and accept that this is all about reducing congestion, then the ONLY way it can work is by making travelling at certain times and on certain roads more expensive

which means poorer people will have to plan and budget for every journey but richer people will be able to drive where they like when they like with less of the poor in the way

does he really think we are all on the road at 8am because we like participating in traffic jams?
From: Radio21 Feb 2007 13:26
To: JonCooper 7 of 45
That's the key point, assuming this is about congestion rather than revenue, he's expecting that the deterrent of paying extra will stop people making the journey - and if the congestion itself isn't enough of a deterrent, where's the evidence that extra money will be?
Message 31909.8 was deleted
From: Radio21 Feb 2007 13:46
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 9 of 45
I live two miles from the nearest village, 10 miles from the nearest train station and there's 1 bus a day. I work 28 miles from where I live, and to move closer means that house prices go up by ten thousand pounds plus.
From: DrBoff (BOFF)21 Feb 2007 14:05
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 10 of 45
I think cars should all be taxed to fuck.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)21 Feb 2007 14:07
To: Radio 11 of 45
I live two miles from the nearest village, 10 miles from the nearest train station and there's 1 bus a day.

So presumably you're in the middle of nowhere and don't suffer from congestion so wouldn't pay much/any road tax?


[everyone saying about environment stuff]

If he considers environment important, why does it come third place to business interests?
congestion is bad. It's bad for business because it disrupts the delivery of goods and services. It affects people's quality of life. And it is bad for the environment.

It's blatantly tacked on the end so they can claim to be looking out for the environment when they actually don't give a shit and are just using it to get votes.

Likewise, if they actually cared about congestion they'd do what people have said and [try to] improve public transport - rather than simply raising PT prices under the claim of improving it, but actually not doing very much at all.
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)21 Feb 2007 14:24
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 12 of 45
So presumably you're in the middle of nowhere and don't suffer from congestion so wouldn't pay much/any road tax?

Have you met the Labour party?
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)21 Feb 2007 14:38
Sorry, should have specified - that bit was supposed to be continuing the "assuming this is about congestion rather than revenue" thing.
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)21 Feb 2007 15:04
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 14 of 45
Fairy Nuff then. Personally I suspect that riding down a minor road at 2am on an electric bicycle will cost 10p per mile, and prices will increase from that level up to driving a 4.2l Jaguar along the Victoria Embankment at 9am, which will cost the tax-payer £88 per mile when John Prescott does it every morning.
From: Radio21 Feb 2007 15:31
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 15 of 45
Not really, there's a motorway half a mile away that I use regularly, and if motorways are taxed on a blanket-basis i.e. all the same, then I could be hit quite hard.
From: Dan (HERMAND)21 Feb 2007 17:51
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 16 of 45

Those of us who work for a living often need a car. I, personally, couldn't physically do my job without a drivers license and I wouldn't be able to do extra stuff (Like drop by schools on the way home) without my own transport.


And fuck being out the house by 7:00 and home at 5:15 - I couldn't keep that up. Maybe it's different if you haven't had/got a car - but I simply couldn't live the life I do without one. And most of the people I know who can't/won't drive spend half their time getting lifts from those who can.

EDITED: 21 Feb 2007 17:52 by HERMAND
Message 31909.17 was deleted
From: koswix21 Feb 2007 18:58
To: Dan (HERMAND) 18 of 45
wouldn't be able to do extra stuff (Like drop by schools on the way home)

Where's John!? Filthy bastard!
From: johngti_mk-ii21 Feb 2007 20:03
To: koswix 19 of 45
I know I'll be keeping an eye out for a suspicious looking brum in a VW van outside school now :|
From: Manthorp21 Feb 2007 20:28
To: johngti_mk-ii 20 of 45
with early hippy hair and an eye for the laydeees
From: Dan (HERMAND)21 Feb 2007 23:04
To: Manthorp 21 of 45
Short hair currently, actually.