Bush would be proud!

From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 3 Feb 2007 11:02
To: Woggy 2 of 6
The comments are great :D The beating on the other hand isn't that bad, seen worse in Reading when the pubs kick out.
From: Woggy 3 Feb 2007 12:14
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 3 of 6
Yeah, but it's not about the severity, more the fact that they stood by and let it happen whilst cheering on. Also A rifle butt slammed into your spine would fuckup your back for weeks.
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 3 Feb 2007 14:59
To: Woggy 4 of 6

Its war, they aint gonna give them a cup of tea and a back rub!


I don't condone it but that kinda shit happens, if a group was lobbing morters at you and you caught them what would you do? Give them a stern talking to and tell them not to do it again? I don't think so.


Any way it is probably better that the Iraqi's got them and not the Americans. The Americans might of tourtured them, or even worse, make them listen to a George Bush speach!

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3 Feb 2007 20:40
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 5 of 6
Its war

Um? :?

I don't condone it but that kinda shit happens, if a group was lobbing morters at you and you caught them what would you do? Give them a stern talking to and tell them not to do it again? I don't think so.

"I don't condone it, but actually I do." :|
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE) 4 Feb 2007 15:51
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 6 of 6
*might have tortured them, ffs.