Moral limbo dancing

From: Manthorp14 Jan 2007 09:41
To: Mouse 11 of 13
It's still early days: the left-leaning papers have written editorials about it. More interestingly, the defense department is already distancing itself from his interview:

"Mr. Cully Stimson’s comments in a recent media interview about law firms representing Guantanamo detainees do not represent the views of the Defense Department or the thinking of its leadership,” a Pentagon spokesman said.

Given that he's pissed off a number of lawyers who believe they are acting out of principle and in defense of the constitution, and concerned the entire legal profession who see his comments as a threat to the principle of representing clients Pro Bono, I think he may be in for a bit more stick before it blows over.

Serve the fucker right.
EDITED: 14 Jan 2007 09:46 by MANTHORP
From: Rich (RICARD00)14 Jan 2007 13:38
To: Manthorp 12 of 13

How can that Government have the brass balls to be so blantant in it's disregard for human rights, it's own laws and civil liberties?


I'm astounded.

From: Mouse14 Jan 2007 15:28
To: Manthorp 13 of 13
Well that's something I suppose. It does seem rather stupid as well as plain nasty though. And very "Four legs good, two legs better".