Pinochet: him gorn

From: Sulkpot12 Dec 2006 20:03
To: Dave!! 13 of 17
You think that's any worse than what Blair-sponsored CIA spooks are doing to suspects in any number of legal black holes in the world?

And I refer you to Galtieri, whose purges were just as bad - and he was a Communist. WIN for the Chilean man in the dark glasses with the cattle prod.
From: spinning_plates12 Dec 2006 20:46
To: Sulkpot 14 of 17
It may not be any worse, but it doesn't make it (either of them) any less real or evil.
From: Sulkpot12 Dec 2006 21:14
To: spinning_plates 15 of 17

I'm just saying that on the Bill Bailey scale of evil, Galtieri ranks one place higher, purely because of his communism. It's easy to sit here in the 21st century and forget how communism made more corpses than Hitler could have managed with all his furnaces going non-stop.


I defend my right to hagiograph and lionise this Machiavellian tyrant. Don't make me resort to spurious death-toll statistics to prove he's a million times better/more evil than any other tin-pot dictator going.

From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)13 Dec 2006 00:26
To: Sulkpot 16 of 17
Wouldn't it be nice if everyone could just Be Excellent To Each Other?
From: spinning_plates13 Dec 2006 00:30
To: Sulkpot 17 of 17
We should make a dictators Top Trumps.