Soundlife sucks.

From: Radio 4 Dec 2006 10:40
To: Ally 4 of 6

Shopping online seems to be fairly popular too nowadays.
DVD renting too apparently, although I'm sure Trig wouldn't be interested in any of those lovefilm or Screenselect services as they're internet based - he must go down to his local 90's Blockbuster when he wants to rent a DVD.

From: Username 4 Dec 2006 12:27
To: Radio 5 of 6
I would be interested in lovefilm or Screenselect services.
From: Radio 4 Dec 2006 12:39
To: Username 6 of 6
But they're on the internet and not real, and not real-time. How can you pay money to someone you can't even see? It's not natural trig, which must mean its wrong.