The PC Thread

From: patch 2 Feb 2006 23:09
To: milko 30 of 126
You're getting old, that's your problem. It'll be a mortgage next, and then you're doomed.
From: milko 3 Feb 2006 00:02
To: patch 31 of 126
That is a possibility, although set against it that my current gaming interests are these:

From: patch 3 Feb 2006 08:39
To: milko 32 of 126
Denial and a Peter Pan complex. You and me both, except I've already got to the mortgage part.
From: milko 3 Feb 2006 10:47
To: patch 33 of 126
I shall go and watch some films about mid-life crises in people with no reason to complain :C
From: Radio 3 Feb 2006 11:28
To: milko 34 of 126

For PC games, how about Spore? Isn't that supposed to be out soon-ish?
Then there's Half Life Aftermath, and Oblivion is supposedly out in the next couple of months.
I have to admit though, apart from Spore there's nothing coming that really excites me, even on consoles. I'd love to play PGR3, but I'm not about to lay out £280 + gameprice for the privelege (although slightly more tempted by Game's offer of a £50 tradein on the XBox).


Slightly more ontopic, how about oft-overlooked components such as cases and PSU's?

From: milko 3 Feb 2006 12:04
To: Radio 35 of 126

Spore is hopefully going to be great but it's a bit early to know for sure. That could certainly be the kind of thing I'm looking for though, yeah. Half Life Aftermath though, meh! Oblivion oh gosh I hope so. I wonder if the 360 version will be better or worse.


Since I already have MSR and PGR2, PGR3 appeals not one tiny bit.

From: Radio 3 Feb 2006 12:12
To: milko 36 of 126

Fair enough, its not for everyone. I really enjoy the series though, and PGR was what spurred me to get the original XBox.
Aftermath I'm looking forward to possibly simply due to Dog apparently playing a much larger part, the bits in HL2 with Dog in were the bits I most enjoyed ;-)


There's an interview on joystiq about Oblivion's differences across versions and apparently unless you've got a stupidly powerful PC then the X360 version is the one to get - especially if you have a HDTV.


I'm actually fairly happy about the games drought at the moment though, as I'm concentrating on City of Villains, and toying with the idea of getting X3, both of which are fairly major time-consuming games.

From: milko 3 Feb 2006 13:13
To: Radio 37 of 126
Yeah it's not like I have time for these bloody things anyway, true enough.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 3 Feb 2006 13:22
To: milko 38 of 126
From: milko 3 Feb 2006 13:29
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 39 of 126
heh. Mmm.
From: sinkywinky 3 Feb 2006 13:43
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 40 of 126
For a moment I thought full production meant "sticking it on cd", but they actually mean "we're still making it".
From: Dave!! 3 Feb 2006 13:57
To: sinkywinky 41 of 126
Don't worry. It'll go gold soon when they change the colour of the logo or something.
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 7 Feb 2006 17:35
To: milko 42 of 126

Sensible Soccer is coming back soon, which wont need a high spec pc for :D


Can't wait for that.

From: milko 7 Feb 2006 18:06
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 43 of 126
Man I hope they don't fuck it up. Those new screens are... well, meaningless really I guess. It's good they're not trying to compete with FIFA and Pro Evo for realism at least.
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 7 Feb 2006 19:09
To: milko 44 of 126

I read a interview with the developers and they are trying not to change to much from the original, it will still be basic and fun Lets just hope they stick to it!) We might also see some other old favs come back (cannon fodder and mega lo mania would be ace)



From: 388405efit03=1-0 (KABINGER) 7 Apr 2006 21:17
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 45 of 126
I actually expected to see some pop-up ads in your post.
From: DrBoff (BOFF) 7 Apr 2006 22:39
To: ALL46 of 126

Heh, I thought I remembered a thread like this. Thanks for bumping it, Kabbie!


Anyway, post more stuff TECHY PEOPLE. I want a new computer this summer and don't know what to get.

From: TEHTrigger (TRIGGERTEH) 7 Apr 2006 22:45
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 47 of 126
From: DrBoff (BOFF) 7 Apr 2006 22:47
To: TEHTrigger (TRIGGERTEH) 48 of 126
Great, thanks!
From: Dave!! 8 Apr 2006 09:56
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 49 of 126
I reccommend getting a GOOD computer because BAD computers are, well, bad I guess.