The PC Thread

From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)26 Mar 2009 19:48
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 103 of 126
They are blithering idiots who seem to believe that an API should do everything for them, including enforcing business logic specific to their project. Not that it matters. The world's ending soon anyway.
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)26 Mar 2009 19:54

I am indeed happy now that the world is ending soon anyway.


Are you sure you haven't overlooked the beverage and snack ordering function of the API?



From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)27 Mar 2009 01:26
Heh. This week I've been moved onto a new high-priority project, and seem to be in a similar situation of people not having a clue how to do an API. Or structure a simple CMS-integrated webapp. Or use source control properly. Or write useful specs. And so on. :(

If you feel like advancing your career and learning CFML, there's a couple of open spaces on the team - would be good to have a second person with functioning brain cells... :)

(that's probably a bit harsh; it's more likely the fault of it being stupidly rushed that it's badly setup/etc, but it's still awfully frustrating)
EDITED: 27 Mar 2009 01:28 by BOUGHTONP
From: dyl 5 Apr 2009 21:34
I think you should go and work with Peter and get a webcam and leave it on so we can all watch and listen and give /that/ a website all of its own.
From: xseoer 9 Jul 2010 08:00
To: Ixion 107 of 126
quote: Ixion
Don't forget 2Gb of RAM I highly recommend that.

Have you used 4G RAM or jsut a theoretical value?
From: koswix 9 Jul 2010 09:56
To: xseoer 108 of 126
This spam of late has been /odd/.
From: Little Wibbly (LITTLEWIBBLY) 7 Nov 2010 17:27
To: Dave!! 109 of 126
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)17 Sep 2014 11:00
To: ALL110 of 126
So are we still on 2GBTBH?
From: milko17 Sep 2014 13:00
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 111 of 126
I kinda accidentally upgraded my PC the other day, second hand bits. 16GB of 2400 Mhz DDR3. i7-4770k, Asus Maximus VIĀ Formula motherboard. It all looks like spaceship technology, don't really know what I'm doing anymore

Probably need to upgrade the graphics card now, a 560Ti seems a bit Fiesta-in-a-Ferrari. And sort out a better cooler than the stock one for the CPU so I can try clocking it up a bit perhaps.
From: ANT_THOMAS17 Sep 2014 13:06
To: milko 112 of 126
Overclocking, I'm still surprised people can be bothered doing it these days.

I have on the other-hand underclocked in the past to save electric and keep fan noise down.
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)17 Sep 2014 13:23
To: milko 113 of 126
Yeah, that's a bit unbalanced.. hope you have an SSD in there, at least as the system drive - it's by far the best upgrade you can do to almost any system.

I also need to "accidentally" upgrade my stuff, (un?)fortunately nothing in there is anywhere near dying, and I can't fully justify it otherwise. Bah!
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)17 Sep 2014 13:26
To: ANT_THOMAS 114 of 126
Bragging rights... Plus, it can make a difference if you game on three display or 4K resolution or something, depending on what's limiting performance (CPU or GPU). Other than that, there really isn't much point - even the Intel G3258 system I built for my parents about a month ago has plenty of juice for most things, and it'd keep up with most games too if it had a decent graphics card.
From: milko17 Sep 2014 14:28
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) ANT_THOMAS 115 of 126
It's got an SSD already for the system drive, yup.

For overclocking, it's more or less 'because I can', that processor and board is designed to make it very easy. I think I'd see how far I could take it without bothering to up the voltage though, no real desire to eat all the electricity here. I just want it to make Elite look pretty I think, and the new IL-2 game probably. This thing's also driving a 30" 2560x1600 display and I have half an idea about Oculus Rift one day.
EDITED: 17 Sep 2014 14:35 by MILKO
From: Chris (CHRISSS)18 Sep 2014 20:59
To: milko 116 of 126
I used that argument ttto get a graphics card upgrade from my dad years ago. I told him the new K6-2 400 with aa Voodoo 3D card was like runninrunnrunninrurunninrunnrunninrunnrunninrurunninrurunninrunnrunninrurunninrunninrunnrunninrurunnrunninrunnrunninrururunninrunnrunninrurunninrunnrunninrunninrunnrunnrunninrunnrunn

What the /hell/ is my phone keyboard suddsuddenly doing Trying to delete words and its making them /BIGGER/

Anyway, yeyes, like having a Ferrari with my mum's Fiesta engine in it.
From: milko18 Sep 2014 21:08
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 117 of 126
God I love your typing. Never change whatever it is that makes this happen!
From: milko18 Sep 2014 21:08
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 118 of 126
What happens if you try to write bananananananana?
From: Chris (CHRISSS)18 Sep 2014 21:58
To: milko 119 of 126
HahaHahhHahaHaHahHahaHahhHahaHaHHahaHahhHahaHaH. Hmm, not going well so far. Banananananananana? That looks about right to me .
From: Chris (CHRISSS)18 Sep 2014 22:01
To: milko 120 of 126
I'm not sure if it's usually my phone of the keyboard I use or just the fact that I don't check spellings on my phone well enough. Today it is acting very strangely and even after a reboot. If I try and delete a word it jumps back and forth sometimes deleting and sometimes adding the letters back from the start of the word. Longer words are then jmlosiblimpossible to delete and just keep gettgettingettgettgettgegetgettgettingettgettgettgeggettgettingettgettgettggettgettingettgettgett bigger.
From: fixrman19 Sep 2014 01:56
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 121 of 126
Is it a laptop? That happens with daughter's laptop keyboard. It had a liquid event (not water, a putrid type) though I cleaned it right away and dried it out with compressed air, can't get rid of the mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm problem.
From: fixrman19 Sep 2014 02:06
To: milko 122 of 126
Well, I'd bet you always perform proper backups, but I don't often. Never anything mission critical on my box so I haven't mush been bothered by it.

I did however find out the hard way what happens when SSDs go tits up. You can't recover any data from them. At least not at my level on my SSDs. Perhaps newer ones have the ability, but I lost everything. Luckily, nowt but the OSes lived on my 2 SSDs, I had a mag for data. Something to consider.

The Adata drives I bought were fast but didn't last. They were warrantied for three years and didn't make it quite that far. Probably should have purchased better quality, but at the time I thought they were fine, were reviewed well.