Iraqi Body Count

From: Darren25 Jul 2005 10:18
To: ALL1 of 10
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)25 Jul 2005 13:50
To: Darren 2 of 10

All in a days work baby!


</US marine>

From: funky (ISA)25 Jul 2005 18:30
To: Darren 3 of 10
I have faith that the military are well-trained in their field and know what they're doing.
From: Voltane25 Jul 2005 20:13
To: funky (ISA) 4 of 10

I knew a member of the armed forces once.


He tripped over his shoe laces once.




And none of you are doing anything about it!

From: funky (ISA)26 Jul 2005 01:34
To: Voltane 5 of 10
We're doomed because of the state of the world and because of the human ability to be complacent. I wish I could say it was just Bush, but this whole thing is a statement about the state of the world as a whole...well, leaning a lot toward the powerful hands behind the Bush Regime...I wish I had more time and was more awake to write more.
From: truffy26 Jul 2005 10:39
To: Darren 6 of 10
The Stun
By our special (needs) correspondent Statin D. Obvious
From: Darren26 Jul 2005 10:42
To: truffy 7 of 10
Mememeuuhh blahhblahh it's the numbers, foo' mleeehlaaaaglug
From: truffy26 Jul 2005 11:51
To: Darren 8 of 10

Yes, indeed. And the accuracy of these numbers is .... ?


Before you answer, bear in mind that IBC (an emotive name, I wonder how unbiased they are?) uses "a comprehensive analysis of over 10,000 press and media reports". Which is about as accurate as whetting your finger and waving it in the air IMO.

From: Darren26 Jul 2005 12:34
To: truffy 9 of 10
Well, I certainly wouldn't bet my anal virginity on their findings, but at the moment they're still the most plausible figures and the attitude of the occupying forces before, during and after the invasion does nothing to contradict the IBC.
From: Amphibians From Idaho (WUNTYCANKS)31 Jul 2005 05:26
To: Darren 10 of 10
Doubly disgraceful considering Downing Street.