The Positive Thread

From: needmyhedred17 Sep 2004 12:26
To: andy 19 of 268

Good for you, I'm glad to see you doing your bit for happy international relations.
Keep it up and you will soon have some :J 

From: andy17 Sep 2004 12:30
To: needmyhedred 20 of 268
It was at this crazy house party, and there were people climbing this reallyreally tall tree and every now and again there was this "..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh[thud]" and a dead person, and nobody was really that bothered. Best party I've ever been to! Apart from when the porta-loo hose detatched and sprayed my legs with urine. That bit kinda sucked.
From: needmyhedred17 Sep 2004 13:00
To: andy 21 of 268

"..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh[thud]" and a dead person, and nobody was really that bothered.




An english version of the texas chainsaw massacre? :] 

From: andy17 Sep 2004 13:15
To: needmyhedred 22 of 268
But there were Americans, too! I dunno what my brain was trying to tell me. Don't climb tall trees, maybe.
From: needmyhedred17 Sep 2004 13:21
To: andy 23 of 268

"But there were Americans, too"


I hope you gave them a leg up :] 

From: SMD17 Sep 2004 14:02
To: lp 24 of 268

Independent? Kevin Smith?


Did I miss something?

From: lp17 Sep 2004 14:13
To: SMD 25 of 268
From: Dan (HERMAND)17 Sep 2004 18:11
To: andy 26 of 268
I really shouldn't scan read threads. I must've read your post 5 times thinking "Is he taking the piss. Wha?" :( 
From: Mike (QUIGABYTE)17 Sep 2004 22:46
Larry Sanders was ace, am I the only guy who thought his sidekick looks like Dr Phil? :-& 
From: Mike (QUIGABYTE)17 Sep 2004 22:47
To: Mr (M00RL0CK) 28 of 268
heh, me too. The American's have given me permission to visit Canada now. Which I am happy about as it is only 2 hours from here :] 
From: Mike (QUIGABYTE)17 Sep 2004 22:49
To: lp 29 of 268

I like the constitution ... in theory.


But aye, agree with what you said, especially the KFC point. Although most KFCs here are crap compared to the UK and don't even serve fries but stupid wedges with skin on :( 

From: Mike (QUIGABYTE)17 Sep 2004 22:50
To: andy 30 of 268
haha aye they go nuts for the accent. I so should have come here before gettng married.
From: fixrman18 Sep 2004 00:05
To: Mike (QUIGABYTE) 31 of 268

I like hot redheads, especially if they are English.


I also like the great beer, the gracious people, the fabulous history, the quaint towns, beautiful hills, the foggy weather(at times), great puffy clouds, the cars, motorbikes, castles, cathedrals, and the way that the U.K. has a better handle on how to treat old things.


I also love the English sense of humour, even if it takes a while to "get it".


I am not so sure I could do the wrong-way driving bit... :P 

From: fixrman18 Sep 2004 00:06
To: Mike (QUIGABYTE) 32 of 268
Cocaine and money.
From: fixrman18 Sep 2004 00:11
To: ALL33 of 268

Hmm. I thought this was going to be a serious thread.


I like Lord Lady a lot less than I did a few moments ago. Not that it matters, but I can't believe someone could be so bothered by people so far away.


How disappointing that she could only find fault. Must be that time of the month.

From: Manthorp18 Sep 2004 01:59
To: Mike (QUIGABYTE) 34 of 268

Yank attitude to fine craft (much better market than the UK)


New York Jewish Humour


California cuisine (and wines)


Don de Lillo


The action movie tradition




Twyla Tharp's choreography


Thomas Pynchon


San Francisco gay culture


David lynch


Michael Nyman



From: Manthorp18 Sep 2004 02:01
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 35 of 268
Abstract expressionism was sponsored by the CIA, of course. Beautiful -- Sad.
From: Linn (INDYLS)18 Sep 2004 02:27
To: fixrman 36 of 268
I don’t think Lord Lady was saying he was “so bothered by people so far away”. Perhaps if you asked him why he responded the way he did, instead of simply resorting to sexist and offensive comments, he could have clarified for you.

Mike, I agree, there does seem a lot of US bashing but I think it is only in response to some of the posters from the Collective that can’t seem to come off as anything but condescending dickheads.

Anyway what I like about the US - the fact that so many Americans are passionate about their beliefs and willing to make sacrifices for them (even when I think they are misguided), the genuine hospitality I have always been shown in every state I’ve ever visited, and I actually really like American beer because you can drink it all day long and not get falling-down drunk.

What I like about the UK- I love the sense of history that pervades everything - maybe that is why the people seem to so much better informed than the average American or Canadian when it comes to world politics. I love the fact that you can travel such short distances yet feel you have gone thousands of miles because the landscape and people’s accents are so different. And I love the trains - you can get to any major city as easy as anything... and the beer, which would taste very nice if only they kept it ice cold instead of luke warm.

*edited to say I don't think/everyone/ from the collective is a condecending dickhead. In fact when I registered there I received a warm welcome and everyone seemed quite nice and even quite normal:)
EDITED: 18 Sep 2004 03:42 by INDYLS
From: fixrman18 Sep 2004 03:14
To: Linn (INDYLS) 37 of 268
Perhaps (s)he could have just followed the direction of Mike's opening post, and posted something positive instead of acting like a dickhead, too.

I shouldn't have to ask why someone posts the way they do. Perhaps (s)he (I don't know what LL is) should have just said, " I don't really know a blasted thing about America, except what I get from Hollywood movies, which must be a true representation of what America is like... well that, and those neat folks on the Jerry Springer show".

I have worked with several English guys who seemed surprised that life was not like either of those representations and found things and people quite pleasant here.

They also bitched a lot about everything.
From: SMD18 Sep 2004 04:55
To: fixrman 38 of 268
Not that it matters, but I can't believe someone could be so bothered by people so far away.

Looking back at the 20th century, I'd advise you to keep quiet on that front.