GeneralFree DVD


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 From:  Kriv  
 To:  dank (XPANDER)      
16393.13 In reply to 16393.12 
I did after a few seconds. Perhaps they don't like you? Do it again. I already have 2 copies of each coming my way.

(cowboy)  Kriv
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 From:  dank (XPANDER)   
 To:  Kriv     
16393.14 In reply to 16393.13 
Have done it twice now, both using my Gmail account. No E-mails. How awful.

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 From:  Mouse  
 To:  Kriv     
16393.15 In reply to 16393.11 
Btw, any idea what these two DVDs are gonna be that I'm getting without having to read the Sun? (thanks again)

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 From:  JonCooper  
 To:  Mouse     
16393.16 In reply to 16393.15 
you didn't like my list in post #10 ?

Jon - A yllyth-ta leverel henna arta mar plek yn Kernewek?
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 From:  Mouse  
 To:  JonCooper     
16393.17 In reply to 16393.16 
Mahh, sorry Jon, missed that. Coincindentally watched Mona Lisa Smile Last night, pretty good.

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 From:  dank (XPANDER)   
 To:  Mouse     
16393.18 In reply to 16393.17 
But it's Mona Lisa on offer.

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 From:  Mouse  
 To:  dank (XPANDER)      
16393.19 In reply to 16393.18 
Aye I know, well I've have it to watch again now wont I?

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 From:  dank (XPANDER)   
 To:  Mouse     
16393.20 In reply to 16393.19 
I'm confuzzled.

You watched Mona Lisa Smile. It's just Mona Lisa on offer.

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 From:  Mouse  
 To:  dank (XPANDER)      
16393.21 In reply to 16393.20 

Clearly, I'm the confused one. :$ 


I appologise, it is early, I had not drunk at least half a cup of coffee.


And anyway, that's even betterer \o/

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 From:  bohman75  
 To:  dank (XPANDER)      
16393.22 In reply to 16393.14 
I'm jealous of your Gmail account.
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 From:  Mouse  
 To:  bohman75     
16393.23 In reply to 16393.22 
Want one? PM me yer email.

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 From:  bohman75  
 To:  Mouse     
16393.24 In reply to 16393.23 
ahh says you don't have enough free space to receive message
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 From:  Mouse  
 To:  bohman75     
16393.25 In reply to 16393.24 

Oh ffs...


memail it at michaelwatmough at then.

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 From:  bohman75  
 To:  Mouse     
16393.26 In reply to 16393.25 
mailed you
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 From:  Mouse  
 To:  bohman75     
16393.27 In reply to 16393.26 
mailed you back

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 From:  bohman75  
 To:  Mouse     
16393.28 In reply to 16393.27 


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 From:  andy  
 To:  ALL
I've got The Long Good Friday and Mona Lisa so far. Watched a bit of the former yesterday, but wasn't blown away. And the latter doesn't particularly scream at me "I'M GONNA BE EXCELLENT". But we'll see.

meh, they were free.
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 From:  koswix  
 To:  andy     
16393.30 In reply to 16393.29 
Got the Long Good Friday t'other day, not got owt else yet though.

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 From:  Matt  
 To:  koswix     
16393.31 In reply to 16393.30 
Ditto. I feel let down by the cardboard sleeve and the 'The Sun' branding all over the dsk. Oh well, free DVD I guess.


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 From:  koswix  
 To:  Matt     
16393.32 In reply to 16393.31 
I've not even looked at the disc yet.

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