Robot Wars

From: milko 7 Jan 2004 14:56
To: Jaowon 18 of 20
People do take these things rather seriously, what?
From: craig (CHARTLEY) 7 Jan 2004 15:40
To: Jaowon 19 of 20

We once discussed building a robot, but hiding a secret weapon inside to be used against the house robots.


I suggested putting me shotgun inside (with the shortest legal barrel) and firing solid slug rounds. Except it'd be illegal, against the rules, oh and punch holes through the plexi glass.




Edit: I like the suggestion on that robot wars forum about a mini digger.... make it remote controlled and it'd be rather good.

EDITED: 7 Jan 2004 16:41 by CHARTLEY
From: Queeg 500 (JESUSONEEZ) 9 Jan 2004 17:09
To: lp 20 of 20
Didn't mean to steal your thunder! :)