From: Jaowon
To: JonCooper

After looking through those links it seems Sir Killalot has been taken out quite a few times, as have all the house robots it's just been edited out of the aired show.


The best one is this one written by the TriceraBot team:--


Synopsis- The show was edited to avoid showing just how bad of a spanking the housebots received.


I rolled Matilda (proving that the first time wasn't a fluke)
Tut-tut took out Shunt's electrical system.
I wedged under Sir K and rolled him vertical with his face looking into the pit. Only his arm saved him. In desperation, they raised the pit to help right Sir K, then abruptly stopped the match. It was called a "draw".


Here's the full story:


TriceraBot/Silver Box/Rosie the Riveter/Tut-tut
Housebots Matilda and Shunt with Sir Killalot




Silver Box
Mike Regan


Chris Harriman


Mike Morrow


Rosie the Riveter
Chris "Gatt" Gattman




TriceraBot: TriceraBot had burned up most of the radio system in prior fights. To improve reliability, I replaced one of the receivers and both receiver batteries. Other than that, no changes necessary.


Rosie: Rosie had taken IMMENSE abuse in a prior match (not yet televised) and many folks were working fervently to get her operational for the final battle. One thing was clear- she would run, but not at 100%


Silver Box: Mike Regan moved the safety farther inboard to prevent Shunt or Killalot from getting a lucky shot that removed the safety link.


Tut-tut: Chris Harriman went to town on Tut-tut, boosting its pressure a considerable amount and swapping out the puny spear tip with a large axe head that was "released on its own recognizance" from a destroyed RW-built loaner bot.




Since all of the JuggerBot crew were outside working on a heavily-damaged Rosie, trying to get her back into shape for the final challenge, Chris Harriman (Team Cyclone) became the Norman Schwarzkopf of tactical reconnaissance. He collected more hostile data and developed more strategies than the Allies used to prepare for the landing at Normandy.




Chris' fieldwork resulted in several strategies:


1) Audio monitoring.
The control centers for the builders were miked with a direct feed to the housebot operators and/or program producers (who then had direct comms with housebot controllers). It was thought that these bugs were used to the housebots' tactical advantage. Thus, step one when entering the control center: each team had a designated member wielding electrical tape. The tape was used to cover the microphones, cutting the ears off the housebots.


2) Sir Burnsalot.
In prior matches, Killalot had taken enough abuse that he was pretty much soaked in flammable hydraulic fluid. We quickly developed "matchsticks" which were simply spare strips of TriceraBot's (previously demonstrated) flammable body supports. These matches were strapped to the back of Rosie and TriceraBot. The plan was to back up to the fire pit, light them, and then commence a kamikaze run, driving the flaming sticks into the heart of Killalot.


3) Sir Throws-a-tread-alot
Chris found that, in an earlier match, a glancing oblique blow to the back of Killalot's tread had dislodged it and crippled his maneuverability. While Mike would try to slice up a tread with Silver Box's vertical spinner, the JuggerBots would make repeated oblique attack runs in hopes that we could dislodge one or both treads.


4) Maflipdya
In a (not yet televised) previous match, Matilda got in the way of a TriceraBot attack run and was promptly rolled over. So, for this event I went with the same weapons configuration and that was my #1 order:FLIP MATILDA.


General strategy was:
Silver Box and Tut-tut tag-team on Shunt.
JuggerBots take out Matilda.
Once Killalot entered (we knew he was waiting in the wings), JuggerBots attack treads and/or set fire, Silver Box slice treads, Tut-tut (Axe) go for the head shot on Killalot.


Well it was a nice thought and some of it even worked.




(Note: I was pretty focused on my 'bot, so I don't know all the details for the other combatants. I'll fill those in as best I remember- perhaps Mike or Chris or Chris will fill in more details).


Rosie and TriceraBot blazed in for the attack, promptly snapping off all matchsticks on first impact. DOH!
I commenced my attack runs on Matilda. It got pretty congested at times, but there was plenty of carnage happening, especially with her disk- which is more robust than it looks. No sign of Killalot, but I could see that Tut-tut was wailing away on Shunt without mercy. Silver Box chewed on Matilda's "better than steel" fiberglass body while I continued broadsiding her. Finally, I scored a direct hit and she started to go over. At one point I caught on her underbelly and she stopped rolling. I had to backoff just slightly to let her rock off the front of TriceraBot. Then, with one final shove she was over. MISSION #1 accomplished.
Frothing with battle frenzy, I ran over to help Tut-tut. I was hoping for a lucky spike hit to his tire because I knew from past experience that I couldn't do much to his armored sides.


About this time I see directly below me that Refbot is attempting to bulldoze Matilda back over. No, I don't think so. I returned and began raining blows down upon Matilda, bashing her underside, rocking her back everytime Refbot made a little progress.
Meanwhile, Tut-tut had delivered a deathblow to Shunt's electrical system. Shunt was out of the game. MISSION #2 accomplished. Tut-tut saw the refbot-Matilda-TriceraBot tug-o-war and commenced an attack on Refbot (aiming for an axe hit to the CO2 system I later learned!) Between the slamming he was taking from Tut-tut and the ramming from Matilda (who was serving as my surrogate battering ram), Refbot decided to back off.


About this time Killalot rolls onto the scene.
Mike goes to town on his tread and slices a deep gash in it.
I hit the pit button- I figure if we can fill the pit with Shunt or Matilda, then there's no way we can get stuffed.
Killalot picks up Silver Box and moves for the pit. Things are too dicey for him to be able to play with his prey at the flipper or fire pit. Better end this as quickly as possible!


Gatt and I begin jockeying for attack runs to the rear treads while Tut-tut moves in to try a repeat of his lucky Shunt hit.
I notice that Killalot is holding Silver Box far away from his center of mass. This means he rocks forward everytime he stops- I had seen this phenomena almost self-dump Killalot in the pit when he was dunking a British bot earlier in the day. As he nears the pit, he pauses, causing him to rock up slightly. I adjust my oblique attack run to be a full body slam to his rear and jam TriceraBot under him. He immediately tips forward and face-plants into the arena floor.


Now we have a precarious position: Silver Box is in the pit, Killalot is tipped almost vertical, staring into the pit, Tut-tut is wailing away on Killalot with his axe, and Rosie is slamming and jabbing. The only thing preventing Killalot from taking a full-on tumble over into the pit (and on top of poor Silver Box) is his large right drill arm. It is embedded in the arena floor, propping him up. I yell for Gatt to come around to the right side and slam the drill arm inward, effectively kicking out the stool from under SK. He works his way around slowly, but Rosie is so damaged and tired that her maneuverability is hampered.


Killalot is trying desperately to back out. Each time he reverses, it shifts his weight backwards, allowing me to burrow deeper- and I do. Each time he relents, I let my batteries cool. It's clear that, although trapped myself, I control the situation- and I'm not letting this thug off the hook. I can't shove him in further, but he can't get out. With every wriggle, I dig in like a tick. Tut-tut gets in some heavy hits to Killalot's head.


Finally, Sir Killalot calls in an airstrike. In the shadows below the battle I see Silver Box coming up. THEY'RE RAISING THE PIT! The pit, normally several feet deep, rises to help rock Killalot out of his death throes. Then the CEASE is called. (That's how he magically goes from face-plant to almost upright in a matter of seconds on TV).


There is an extremely long pause before we learn the results. According to other American builders in the audience, the entire place (save a few cheering U.S. pockets) is stone silent. Reminds me of that scene in Running Man after Ben Rich kills the first Stalker.
Somewhere a little girl is crying because she just learned that, after winning the chance to drive her favorite housebot, she won't get to drive Shunt because he's been too heavily damaged.
Then the decision comes up (much to Mick's disagreement): A draw. We shrug our shoulders and laugh- everybody knows what REALLY happened. They can spin it however they want.


Afterward, Killalot's driver came out and shook our hands, commenting about how bloody brilliant the battle was and clearly looking like someone who had just had his arse kicked.


I'm not upset with the way they spun the results and edited out the good stuff (although it's helpful to evaluate combat tactics when they're actually shown). I understand the institution that is the Housebots, and the fact that they must seem invincible to the home audience/throngs of screaming money-waving little kids. It would have been nice to get a minor trophy (ie Killalot's head) or a little cash under the table or something, but I don't think they really planned for this outcome. Maybe next time. Of course, next time they had better upgrade the Housebots since a rag-tag fugitive fleet of battle-weary 'bots running on empty almost destroyed the lot of 'em!


Although I AM a little sore that they stole my line (Sir Killalot has entered the building- HAH!).

